• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • Respectfully, I dont read anyone’s bio. If you ask me to use your preferred pronouns in interactions with you that’s fine with me, capitalization isnt a pronoun though. (How would that even apply in verbal communication?)

    Narcissist isnt a slur, it is simply the proper word for a person with certain pronounced character traits which amount to a narcissistic personality… In fact your whole reply reads like a bad faith or troll response on second read.

    Lastly I am neurodivergent myself, having ADHD. Not sure why that matters anyway

  • I went and looked at your cited post, and am confused what you are upset about. People disagreeing with you? People thinking an argument for Donald trump in the name of inclusivity is absurd?

    I also noticed that you claim yourself to be a narcissist, and find it somewhat ironic that you choose to try and take down/over a community over a lukewarm response to your narcissism argument, being quite narcissist yourself in doing so.

    That being said any unmoderated community should be assigned to (a) new caretaker(s).

  • Honestly I am dismayed we have this dumb ass reddit culture take hold. Not everything you disagree with must be bannned from the sub defederated immediately, your instance doesnt owe you a feed that’s exactly how you like it. Defederation should be the last resort, since it entirely breaks communication and interaction between the instance’s users.

    Instead, use the client side blocking features to clean up your feed. Personally I have blocked over 80 communities and users because they are centered around topics or beliefs I dont want on my feed, I blocked two instances as well, but I can still read their user’s comments and interact with their users outside the instances.

    Defederating is just splintering the fediverse. Unless at all avoidable it shouldn’t be done, in fact I chose my instance specifically because it defederates nobody but meta and illegal content such as gore and csam.

  • I went to one of these as a kid, from first to seventh grade. From what I remember the ideology isnt really taught to the kids, the weirdest things I recall are having to learn writing cursive or drawing/painting in a specific way, and eurythmics class. The latter is a sort of expressionist new age dance/PE hybrid where we did various activities like learning to juggle.

    I also learned two second languages right from the first grade, namely english and russian (the latter i mostly forgot over the years due to lack of practice). This i would consider the greatest advantage of this model of schooling, I have retained excellent language abilities with very little effort and always was by default ahead of what was taught at the regular schools I went to afterwards. I also learned to play instruments, sculpting, working with wood and metal, tailoring, and a bunch of other interesting things not taught at regular schools.

    Overall I would say it had a positive effect on myself, I only switched schools because I had social issues setting in with puberty.

  • People dont hate ai, people hate “ai“ llms designed by corporations to produce compliant, inoffensive and soulless art and content, eventually leaving nothing but drab menial labor for us, imprisoned in our corporate shaped minds, unable to express any revolutionary thought any more.

    I am very interested in open source models i can run on my local machine. Just not in those corporate creativity perverters dystopian science fiction couldn’t come up with if it tried.

    E: there are a few ai communities on here too, for example fosai and stablediffusion, I would think you can find like minded people over there, even on lemmy.

  • I remember that, pretty sure it was in win7 or early win10, before they crammed cortana in there and you had to start jumping through hoops to disable all the garbage they added.

    As for the search results, I’m not saying the user shouldn’t be able to distinguish them; in fact the way I imagine it is that the results are grouped by category and in a user determined order of priority.

    For the loading times I have nothing, that isnt really avoidable with my idea.

    Perhaps with some visual trickery that fades or slides the results in over a second or two, ending on the web results. It would give the web search part time to run behind the scenes, seemingly appearing as quickly as the others.