• 2 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 8th, 2024


  • Yeah, commercial real estate could be a serious issue for the banks. A small amount of deflation is not a bad thing, although large amounts in a very short time definitely is. From what I am hearing, people expect the Fed to begin cutting rates as early as March or April, which definitely is not most of 2024. If the cuts are slower than what the raises were, we might be alright. But something makes me doubt that, because the Fed very much seems to lurch from one crisis to the next. Seems more like an out-of-control train than a well-controlled system.

    Edit: Not to mention that other central banks are buying of gold because of the US threatening to send Russia’s dollars to Ukraine. And therefore showing that dollars as reserves are not meant to be trusted and can be removed on a whim if it suits the US’s political agenda.