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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2024


  • Dear sweet christ, I’ve been the manager of a medium sized non profits databases (everything other than finance because they’re special, as in using an overpriced wacky proprietary tool because they are used to it, oh and probably commiting fraud) and, as the author references, I have actually had one of the members of the board get a bunch of other people with 0 technical competence to try to get me to ‘implement blockchain technology’ on postgres.

    Non of those fucking morons could ever provide an actual project outline. None of these fucking morons even knew their own teams processes, and they would all change depending on team member asked and date.

    Not relevant to this story, but basically I am now disabled and living off of SSDI after being assaulted and seriously injured.

    I am 99% sure, after years of working with completely technically incompetent managers, I am never going to work in tech again.

    I would literally rather be poor, do uber eats delivery when I feel like it, and slowly build a video game, by myself, not even to make money, just to give my tech brain something to sate it.

    I am too autistic to be able to handle the constant stream of bullshit and social manipulation/pressure from everywhere I have ever worked.

  • Ive been calling this the reverse turing test:

    Can you tell that a known human being is not an ‘AI’ chatbot, based on text correspondence?

    Apparently we are now just going to have AI simulacra of ourselves date each other on dating apps and meet with each other on zoom.

    The meeting thing in particular is so fucking insane.

    Problem: Meetings waste time and accomplish nothing!

    Solution: Don’t hire or train competent people, instead, automate meetings, the transcripts of which will presumably still have to be read, and will likely not make any sense, thus necessitating more meetings.

    The goal of technological civilization apparently truly is to create maximum misery via maximizing meetings.

  • Nope.

    Nearly every single time in my life that I have expended a significant or even massive amount of time, money, attention, intellectual or emotional capacity toward someone, solved their problems for them, it has been taken for granted, become expected, never reciprocated, and most of the people I helped went on to rope me into situations where I was even more on the hook, or they’d abuse me verbally or physically.

    I finally concluded that none of the idiots in my life actually cared about me at all and just left.

  • I mean, I believe those studies, but I’ve also been homeless, been through shelters and camps and have known people who would just toss their broken shit into the woods or a river, whether it legitimately be theirs, or if they stole it.

    Obviously not all homeless people do this, but some of them do.

    This kind of stuff is usually the most visible to your average joe… so its not accurate to say it does not happen.

    But at the same time, its likely that at a more grand societal level, those studies are fairly accurate.

    I would be interested if the methodologies of those studies even took into account the homeless population.

    Homeless people are kind of notoriously difficult to study or survey, as they are often migratory, have no… you know, permanent residence, and often do not want to be bothered.

  • Can you like dm me where this place is?

    I am basically bound to my current roach motel that just happens to allow month to month rent, without kicking you out after 3 weeks.

    I have been using a shit tier 4g phone for months now trying to find no credit check apartments. Everything is a scam, and none the shady apartments seem to actually list online anywhere.

    ‘Look for private rentals!’ Is good advice but… with what search engine, what rental website actually has a private rentals filter that actually works? Ive not found one.

    Craigslist is bone dry where I am, and the few times a listing pops up, either they don’t respond or they don’t allow evictions or , again, its a scam.

    I bussed halfway across the country to find the cheapest motel rates I could.

    Im not a resident of the state as I do not live in a residence.

    I dont qualify for rental assistance as I do not live in a residence.

    And I don’t qualify for homeless assistance as I am not homeless.

    Its fucking wonderful.

  • As a person made utterly destitute and disabled by a series of crimes committed against me, well, I have SSDI and thats basically it.

    Cost of living is way lower in Ecuador, i can relearn the Spanish I knew in high school, and theres a good number of affordable cities and towns there with considerably better crime statistics and public transportation than anywhere I can afford in the US.

    I have done the math and it would be vastly more cost and time effective to move abroad… as I have been evicted, and basically that means I can’t rent anywhere in the US for at least two years.

    I am seriously considering noping the fuck out if Trump wins. Spent most of my adult life advocating for minorities, the poor, the disenfranchised, and now I am too fucking tired, in too much pain and too broke.

    (Ironically my last job was at a non profit assisting the homeless, who didn’t give a fuck about me becoming homeless.)

    Not like anyone will miss me, every family member and friend I thought I had either committed crimes against me, told me to fuck off, or told me that they what was happening to me was too emotionally traumatic for them to deal with right now.

    Of course this plan goes to shit if Trump and the Republicans somehow massively defund or cancel Social Security.

    I used to think they would not be so stupid as to actually do that, as… an insane number of Trump’s core voter base rely on SSI ot SSA or SSDI… but obviously with the MAGA crowd, anything is possible.

    Guess I can always teach English. Maybe if I can ever walk again I can guide tours.

  • Wild thing is I am white, cis and basically hetero…

    …and I don’t see how anyone can not take this all seriously.

    Lots of non white, non hetero talking heads on major channels that don’t seem to care either.

    A lot of it is just the lucky few that made the right connection, or were born into wealth, who never had any life destroying tragedy ruin their career, who had reserve finances or other contacts or safety nets to rely on…

    Ive met loads if people like that. They’ll give you all the emotional support in the world, until either disagree with them about nearly anything somewhat serious, or if you ask for help that might actually cost them some time or money.

    There’s programs for that! I donate to a charity that… yeah, its all underfunded, extremely difficult to apply to and pass.

    Then they get angry because in their head theyre a good person, but this grates upon their fundamental belief in a meritocratic society, causes cognitive dissonance.

    Survivorship bias is deadly.

  • Just to be pedantic:

    IFT 3 was a suborbital flight, so… either it did not reach orbital velocity, or the upper stage careened so wildly out of control that it borked it.

    Its kind of confusing as in the live stream of it they keep saying the phrase orbital velocity, reached orbit, but also say it was intended to be a suborbital flight.

    Edit: Yeah as best I can tell it was not even intended to be an orbital flight. https://x.com/planet4589/status/1765586241934983320

    Also, the lower stage crashed into the ocean at around mach 2, so maybe that is what they are referring to? Looked like many of the engines did not relight, in addition to significant instability as it traversed back through the atmosphere.

    Also also, the ‘re entry’ burn may be referring to attempting to relight the engines while in space? You are probably correct that they mean the landing burn / belly flop???

    Edit 2: If they intend to do a suborbital flight, but also reach orbital velocity, this would entail a trajectory leading to a fairly steep descent path, which could need a … basically a pre reentry burn, to lessen velocity and/or change the descent path to something more shallow.

    Its pretty hard to tell actual info about these Starship flights, partially because SpaceX outright lies during their live feeds, is tight lipped about other things, and many sources of coverage are often confused and/or simping for Musk.

    One last thing: Does… Starship, the upper stage… even have monopropellant thrusters, or gyros, or anything for out of atmosphere orientation adjustments?

    From the IFT3 vid it seemed like either no, or they malfunctioned.

  • So I am from WA and have been aware of this plan for a while.

    This is one phase, and the next phase is to try to do this with as many Eastern WA counties as possible.

    And to anyone wondering why this is happening, ya’ll obviously are not from around the PNW.

    Basically, Seattle, Tacoma and Portland are bastion of liberals and actual leftists. Bellevue is as well, but its only for corpos these days.

    Nearly everywhere else west of the cascades is just barely more blue than red, and there are tons of smaller towns with Republican controlled county legislatures and town/city governments.

    On the East of the Cascades, in the desert, basically, Republicans are generally in charge of everything that isn’t a Reservation.

    Its a bit more complex than this, but it is pretty much ‘big cities’ are blue, mid and small cities and everything else is red.

    While I am against this succeeding, I do not think this is as cut and dry, obviously unconstitutional as some other posters here are making it seem.

    It is not creating a new state. It is counties voting to leave one state and join another. To the best of my knowledge, this is completely unprecedented in the history of the US.

    They’ve got a whole detailed plan for how to attempt to get this actually done. And they have a lot of judges, and now a popular mandate.

    I honestly do not know how this will play out as it will likely hinge on various judiciaries and possibly executive (Governor) moves.

    Yes, the state legislatures have to sign off on it and thats a big hurdle to jump, but it may actually be doable if enough political pressure is applied… especially if Trump wins.

    It could possibly make it to the Circuit Courts and then the Supreme Court.

  • I know what you mean, took me almost a year of paperwork and in office visits to get on SSDI.

    Its… amazing how many people I met, while homeless, barely ambulatory… amazing how many people literally died because some shelter staffer lost someone’s mail, or someone’s phone with all their info on it or their wallet or backpack got stolen when they were mugged, and that prevented them from being inside on a very hot or very cold day, or getting medication they needed.

    Happened to me a number of times and for quite a long time I was convinced I was going to die.

    Now its been six months halfway across the country in a roach motel I can barely afford, slowly recovering from my many, many torn ligaments and fractures.

    In the end I literally just got lucky.

    Randomly found a motel that I can afford, will let me stay monthly, and they also run an apartment complex thats cheaper, has a real mailing address, and because I make no trouble and have steady income, they may overlook my now horrific credit.

    Oh yeah forgot about that. You know what you need to get nearly every kind of federal or state or city aid aimed at the homeless?

    A mailing address. A place of residence.

    Some shelters will let you use their place for mail buy as previously mentioned those places are staffed by the underpaid, overworked and often criminal.

    And theyre all full, beyond full, nearly all the time.

    Every time you see a news report about an encampment being cleared and the inhabitants being ‘referred’ to local shelters?

    Yeah what that means is they give you the number of a shelter thats full.

    Its fucked.