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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 7th, 2023


  • vexikron@lemmy.ziptolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldSTOP SCROLLING BROTHER
    6 months ago

    Cool, /wasn’t replying to you or commenting on the situation generally/.

    Glad you felt the need to take my words out of context and then act as if I was being ‘wild’.

    You are exactly the kind of person I /thought/ the person /I was actually replying to might be/, the kind of disingenuous, abusive, gaslighting, reckless asshole that gives less insane firearms enthusiasts a bad reputation.

  • vexikron@lemmy.ziptolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldSTOP SCROLLING BROTHER
    6 months ago

    Mhm, theres tons of people who have been imprisoned who have done what you outlined in your asterisk there and it did not work out for them in court.

    Regardless of how it /should be/, I am worried about /existing reality/, sure seems like this whole situation is astoundingly technical, complex, constantly changing with different rules being interpreted differently by different judges according to different laws in different locales which pass different relevant laws pretty frequently.

    Sure seems like a blanket statement covering guns without a huge write up of specific disclaimers, or a general added comment joking about the complexity of the situation by disavowing being possibly in possession of things that may possibly lead to incarceration is warranted.

  • vexikron@lemmy.ziptolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldSTOP SCROLLING BROTHER
    6 months ago

    To the best of my knowledge,

    no, which is why I said write some code,


    it technically depends but probably most speakers for most consumer grade hardware can do this, though I do not know about optimal decibel levels at such decibel ranges to be necessary to induce the effect, relative to time, battery life, energy cost, etc.

    I will again repeat DO NOT DO THIS.

    It legitimately could be considered terrorism.

  • The whole point of having a large, comprehensive database is that it be robust, efficient, amd reliable.

    When you introduce an immature, very hyped, untested at scale, other system or software to manage and curate said database, a system that is known to fail at edge cases, and you know your database features a lot of edge cases…

    … the results are fairly predictable.

    Large Corporate higher up types /consistently/ overlook the valid concerns that are later proven to be correct, which are raised by people in their companies that actually understand the technology their company uses.

    This happens time and time again in large corporations where it has become very clear that ego and the potential reward of more profit, outweigh the expertise of the actual people in the company familiar with the technology the company uses, and causes massive, costly debacles.

    This happens because, at this point, its clear that a large number of tech ceos and management do not actually know tech or the tech industry, and still operate with the reckless abandon from the ‘move fast and break things’ kind of mentality that /might/ work in a start up, but do not work at all with a larger, more established and mature business, and also more generally this happens in other industries because management doesnt really understand modern technology at anything beyond a surface level.

    As a person who has actually worked on different databases and more generally different roles in different parts of the tech industry, and in software related roles in other industries, for around a decade, I have seen things like this happen basically multiple times at every job I have had, though not to this scale.

    In summary: I am one of the people whonis responsible for things working smoothly and you not hearing about them, and I am telling you there are many other people like me and most of them will agree that these fuck ups you do hear about happen because people paid 10 to 100 times as much as us do not listen to us.

  • vexikron@lemmy.ziptolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldSTOP SCROLLING BROTHER
    6 months ago

    There are easier ways to cause chaos:

    Get a cheap phone.

    Write some code to have it play, at the loudest possible volume, a pure sine wave at 18000hz to 19000hz, just outside of the range nearly all humans can consciously be aware of hearing a sound, but within the range that prolonged exposure to this sound can cause humans to become panicked, irritable, delusional, sometimes even hallucinatory, and have immense difficulty sleeping.

    Leave the phone somewhere.

    Obviously, do not actually do this.

    Probably this would be considered terrorism, and get you in about as much trouble as fucking about with your conception of what could be used as a sort of crap tier EM jammer.

  • vexikron@lemmy.ziptolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldSTOP SCROLLING BROTHER
    6 months ago

    I made a very general joke.

    3d printed gun designs

    Then you said

    Just an FYI, that’s not illegal because it falls under the U.S. Constitutional protection of free speech; so also is printing and constructing them. Selling them or distributing guns as physical products is not protected, and is in fact illegal.

    ‘3d printed guns’ includes fully automatic guns.

    You then said printing or constructing them is not illegal and is protected by Freedom of Speech.

    Then I pointed out that 3d printed guns includes automatic weapons.

    At this point, I do not actually know if you are aware that you /can/ find designs for fully automatic weapons on some 3d printed gun sites, and that there are, as I mentioned, a lot of people who are very adamant about that being fine and totally legal.

    Again, hence my semi-ironic disclaimer to the FBI/ATF.

    How do you think I know there are 3d printed full auto designs, usually in .22lr?

    I say ‘Semi-Ironic’ because I may actually be on a relatively low priority watch list simply for browsing such sites.

  • vexikron@lemmy.ziptolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldSTOP SCROLLING BROTHER
    6 months ago

    So… it is indeed vastly more complicated.

    Glad you agree, this is the internet, and I have run into people uh, quite often, who have gotten into trouble via having a simplistic view of very complex topics and believing they will be fine.

    Usually this is not on the topic of guns, but as we appear to live in the stupidest possible timeline, I can never be sure these days.

  • vexikron@lemmy.ziptolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldSTOP SCROLLING BROTHER
    6 months ago

    Wait are you telling me it is legal to construct and possess a fully automatic firearm without a class three license?

    Or say, already own a firearm, and then construct a modification that makes it fall out of compliance with local laws by making it fully auto, having a magazine that is too large, or a bump stock or things like that?

    I am certain the situation is more complex than you seem to think, hence the semi-ironic disclaimer.