So what goes into writting a book, can anyone do it, ive been wanting to do many things for a while but i think sense i was a kid i wanted to write a book or even a short story or something that i can publish. the thing is i have major dylexia, i tend to not plan things and instead write on the spot, also i have partiall ideas. i dont want to write fanfic but instead i want to do something more orginal. i was told i was a creative writter as a kid but im not sure about now.

im not even sure if writting a book is worth it or not i raley even read but yet i feel like something is missing in life. is there by chance a good youtube video that explains all of this?

    1 year ago

    Yes, anyone can write a book! If you have an idea, write it!

    If your only goal is to finish a book, check out for inspiration and support just for to force yourself to write and keep writing!

    If you want to publish it, self-publishing is surprisingly cheap, if you’re happy if you only sell a few hundred copies, many just to friends and family.

    If you want to publish a real novel that appears in bookstores and gets featured and advertised, you need to submit it to publishers…and be prepared for LOTS of rejection. Some of the BEST novelists I know write 10 books for every 1 they get published. Now imagine the worst writers!

      1 year ago

      @minorninth I’m seconding NaNoWriMo. It helped me write two novels, and I got my whole family into it as well. Plus there’s a very robust community around it that is full of help and support.

      Also, the best book on writing I ever read was oddly enough by Stephen King (it’s called On Writing). It’s not long, it’s a very easy read and I swear I learned more from that book than I did in college.


    1 year ago

    Anyone can write a book! It may or may not be good, and even if it is good it nay not become popular. A good editor will help correct any mistakes caused by your dyslexia. Writing without a plan can be very hit or miss. I believe Stephen King writes by the seat of his pants for most of his stories. He’s an incredible author and has become wildly successful, but he is known for his poor endings because of his lack of planning.

    Writing a book takes years when it isn’t already your job. My dad has been casually writing a book for 7 years. It will go faster the more serious you are, of course.