• RedAggroBest@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Hamas today could be a thing of the past, or as close to irrelevant as possible, if Israel would put in the effort to help Palestinians. Maybe help Palestinians realize that they could have a better chance with Israel than Hamas and that peace is possible.

    This would take Israel being the “bigger man” to use a turn of phrase, but every chance they’re presented with just like right now, they instead choose Zionism and indiscriminately murder civilians.

    • orrk@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      to be fair, Hamas would have been a thing of the Past is Netanyahu wasn’t supporting them through direct money and a bit of targeting non-radical secular groups that stood for an alternative to Hamas.

      Yes, Hamas was aided by the guy using them as an excuse to kill civilians

    • paintbucketholder@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      if Israel would put in the effort to help Palestinians

      That’s sounds good.

      What would that look like?

      As a reference: from 2014 to 2020, the UN spent $4.5 billion in Gaza. NGOs have poured in hundreds of millions, have opened schools, have financed hospitals, have distributed aid. USAID has spent billions of dollars, the European Union spent hundreds of millions of Euros just to put in reliable water infrastructure. Just recently, Israel agreed to open the borders to Gaza so a number of Palestinians could work in Israel and live in Gaza.

      But Hamas has been intercepting foreign aid, has seized donated supplies, has interfered with aid workers, has used schools and hospitals financed by the UN and NGOs as terrorist headquarters, as weapons caches, as launching sites for missiles, as prisons and torture sites to hold, torture and murder opponents.

      So what, specifically, would you suggest?

      • havokdj@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        It seems that the only solution to the problem is to kill innocent men, women, and children!

        Gotta violently kill a family of twenty so we can take out one or two hidden Hamas fighters!

        I want to make this very clear, the hatred that Israel is exhibiting to the Palestinians, is exactly the same as the hatred that Hitler exhibited towards their people during WWII. Difference is, everybody is cheering on the Nazis this time.

        • paintbucketholder@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          So you’re assuming that asking for a qualified answer about what should be done to “help the Palestinians” is the equivalent of “cheering on the Nazis?”

          • havokdj@lemmy.world
            11 months ago

            You asked a rhetorical question. I also did not say you cheered on the Nazi’s or anything of the sort.

            • paintbucketholder@lemmy.world
              11 months ago

              See, that’s the problem, though: you’re already presuming that people who don’t simply go along cheering facile, generic solutions like “why don’t the Israelis just help the Palestinians” - as if things were that easy and as if that thought just had never occurred to a single person in the past 70 years of murderous conflict - must be insincere.

              So for the record: no, I’m being sincere. Bombing innocent civilians in Gaza is very obviously objectionable, and indiscriminate bombing is a war crime.

              At the same time, I can acknowledge that Hamas is a terrorist organization which just committed the largest terrorist attack in the history of Israel, committing unspeakable atrocities and murdering hundreds and hundreds of civilians in Israel.

              So with that premise established: what would be some realistic ways for Israel to help Palestinians in a way that would make Hamas go away and end that particular threat for Israel. Because that’s the proposition: that the terrorist threat from Hamas could be ended if Israel only helped the Palestinians instead of bombing them, correct?

              • havokdj@lemmy.world
                11 months ago

                Go on reddit or facebook and you’ll see exactly what I am talking about.

                Explain to me exactly how bombing and killing innocent civilians is going to stop a terrorist group? You kill a shit ton of innocent people to take out a few of the bad guys. You’re not understanding that the point isn’t about helping the Palestinians, it’s about not fucking recklessly killing them to stop terrorists.

                It honestly sounds to me like IDS are terrorists themselves, is that not what terrorists do? To be a terrorist is to strike terror into a civilian populous, and that is exactly what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. Blowing up fucking schools, hospitals, and homes is not how you stop a terrorist group, it’s how you become one.

                I find it absolutely absurd that western countries could do this today and would be heavily criticized, but Israel gets a pass because “it’s god’s land”. Christianity (the religion that many americans falsely claim to follow) does not give two shits about Israel or Jerusalem, that is the JEWS land, not Christian’s land.

                This is what happens when you let religion off of a leash, needless bloodshed and suffering. Christians did the same to Jews and Muslims during the crusades, this is a situation that is no different today, that’s exactly what a Jihad is, a " holy war".

                • paintbucketholder@lemmy.world
                  11 months ago

                  You wrote a lot of things, but I still don’t see an answer to the question there.

                  Is that because you don’t have an answer?

                  • havokdj@lemmy.world
                    11 months ago

                    You are asking a question that is totally unrelated to the topic. It almost feels like you don’t actually understand how conversations work, I’m being genuine here.

                    The situation at hand right here, right now, is not about helping the Palestinians, it is about not killing them. Once that hurdle is crossed, then we can figure out how to help them. I wrote it in the second paragraph, basic English comprehension here.

                    I fail to see the point in trying to help them if you are actively blowing them up to stop a terrorist organization, you should do that before you do anything else, it’s literally a prerequisite.

      • NoneOfUrBusiness@kbin.social
        11 months ago

        What would that look like?

        Not blockade the Gaza strip, for one. Israel killed Gaza’s economy in 2006, keeps limiting the imports of basic goods and what we’re seeing is the result. Hamas stopped rocket attacks for over a year (late 2012 to early 2014) when promised the lifting of the blockade as part of a ceasefire.

        Gaza people are, by Israel’s own admission, allowed fewer calories than they need to not starve to death.

        • paintbucketholder@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          Not blockade the Gaza strip, for one.

          How would that make Hamas go away?

          Egypt and Israel are blockading the Gaza strip because it’s under the control of a terrorist organization.

          If the question is “how could Israel help the Palestinians in a way that would make the threat if Hamas disappear,” how are you envisioning that this would happen if Israel ended the blockade?

          • NoneOfUrBusiness@kbin.social
            11 months ago

            Well, the cause of the current state of rocket attacks is the blockade so there’s that. Like I said before, Hamas stopped rocket attacks, and tried to police other groups doing the same, for over a year in compliance with the 2012 ceasefire. They stopped because Israel only slightly loosened the blockade, and didn’t lift it as they’d originally promised. So that’s how this would happen if Israel ended the blockade; Israel needs to sign another ceasefire and actually follow it.

            • paintbucketholder@lemmy.world
              11 months ago

              And the cause for the blockade before 2012 was that Hamas seized power in the Gaza strip, murdered its political opponents, and instituted a reign of terror where elections were suspended indefinitely, dissent was impossible, and Palestinian “collaborators” were abducted, tortured, and murdered.

              And the reason for the end of the ceasefire in 2014 was that Hamas abducted the teenagers, followed by Israel imprisoning 350 Palestinian militants, followed by Hamas launching rocket attacks against Israeli civilians from Gaza.

              That’s the problem, isn’t it - whatever any side does in this conflict, it’s easy to find justification for it if you only go back fast enough in history. There are more than 2000 years of history there, full of conflict between the various ethnic groups. If anyone wants to find justification for current atrocities, it’s always easy to point to atrocities previously committed by the other side.

              That said: do you really believe that Hamas wild simply cease its terrorism, its atrocities, its rocket attacks, kidnappings, torture, murder and simply decide to live in peace with Israel if the blockade were to be lifted tomorrow?

              • NoneOfUrBusiness@kbin.social
                11 months ago

                And the cause for the blockade before 2012 was that Hamas seized power in the Gaza strip, murdered its political opponents, and instituted a reign of terror where elections were suspended indefinitely, dissent was impossible, and Palestinian “collaborators” were abducted, tortured, and murdered.

                The blockade started in 2005. These events happened in 2006/2007.

                And the reason for the end of the ceasefire in 2014 was that Hamas abducted the teenagers, followed by Israel imprisoning 350 Palestinian militants, followed by Hamas launching rocket attacks against Israeli civilians from Gaza.

                The ceasefire ended without the blockade getting lifted. That’s the crux of the issue. The 2008 and 2012 ceasefires were basically “you stop terrorism and we’ll lift the blockade” What do you expect to happen when after that the blockade isn’t lifted?

                That said: do you really believe that Hamas wild simply cease its terrorism, its atrocities, its rocket attacks, kidnappings, torture, murder and simply decide to live in peace with Israel if the blockade were to be lifted tomorrow?

                So like I said twice now, it happened before.