I don’t think I can actually explain the situation here without a novel but I’ll try to be as brief as I can. No promises though.

So I’m in a roughly 4 year relationship with a woman I very much love and recently I accused her of cheating. This was not backed but much evidence at all other than intuition and what I thought were missing condoms. Basically I let my insecurities get the best of me. There was an explanation for everything and she isn’t and never was cheating on me I’m just an idiot.

Here’s how it got so bad.the last two years of our relationship can be easily summed up into a game of chase. She pushes for more attention and more initiative and I give just enough to make her wish she had more. Not on purpose obviously, I was just being avoidant and detached likely as a defense mechanism but I digress, our relationship suffered. We stopped spending time with each other and started just spending time around each other. Yeah we’d have our good moments where we talk for hours and love and be dumb and those were great but they were getting rarer and rarer. I stepped further away as I thought I cared less and less, I was getting used to her anxiety and ignoring it, hoping shed work through it instead of doing anything about it. I’d come over and comfort her but then go back to doing what I was doing before in less than a week.

This dynamic simmered for a while until she got an IUD and the hormonal changes made all those hidden emotions so very obvious. It also caused some extreme aversion to being touched by me but we aren’t exactly sure if that’s because of the emotions that bubbled up or if that was just hormonal changes. Regardless she didn’t want to be around me and didn’t want to be touched by me so now I have become the one doing the chasing. I’m the one seeking her attention because I realize she might leave me. It fucking sucked. She started making friends all of the sudden and I’ll be honest we were both a bit friendless before, too wrapped up in eachother I suppose so this was a new experience for me. She’d never really gone out without me nor I without her. So those emotions festered and I began to feel replaced and insecure. I thought she’d stopped caring about me, loving me, because she was struggling to show it. And I told myself I’d be there through all of this with her, I told her no matter how her hormones affect her and our relationship I’ll still stay because I love her. But when she started going out, when she started texting me less, when she didn’t respond for hours, and when her friends got her to try and enjoy things that I could never convince her to do, I got really jealous.

When she wouldn’t respond I’d check when she was last online and if it was after I had texted or I watch her come online and not respond I thought she hated me. I’d never experienced that before, I’d never worried I didn’t know how to handle it. I let my paranoia consume me and when I was cleaning her room as a surprise for when she came home from seeing her parents and when I found those missing condoms I had a panic attack. I called and called and called and she wouldn’t answer. I called her sister and then her dad because I needed to know I needed an explanation to reassure me. And I got one, she was totally right. I was freaking out over nothing and I’d obliterated our trust. I fucked up bad.

That was yesterday, we’ve talked and while she has seriously considered breaking up with me, she still wants to see a couples therapist and try to get back what we once had. I feel so stupid and I don’t know how to prevent this from happening in the future.

It feels like I’ve had these moments of clarity before where I saw how bad I was fucking up this relationship and I swore up and down to myself that I’d do something about it. I’d change this time. But I don’t think I ever did? I’m so afraid this is just gonna be another one of those moments where shits really bad and I can see how terrible I’ve been but the moment things start going back to normal I stop putting in effort and fall right back into old habits. I don’t want that. I can’t keep doing this to her. This is the first time we’ve had something this big so maybe it will be different but I can’t bank on it. I don’t want to forget.

How do I control my emotions in the future? How do I not bottle them up until they explode out? (She especially stressed that my accusation really caught her off guard. She had no idea I was feeling this way.) How do I remember to feel?

  • RagnarokOnline@reddthat.com
    8 months ago

    About 10 years of marriage and your situation reads just like one of mine that started a few months back. I’ve even been through the same frantic spiral you described with the condoms.

    I haven’t figured it out fully yet, but here are the things I’ve found have helped:

    1. Checked out the book “Insecure in Love” by Leslie Becker-Phelps. My feelings of jealousy almost definitely stem from my insecure attachment and I needed to recognize when that fear was being activated so I could practice responding better.

    2. Therapy with EMDR - turns out my family of origin was kinda effed up and that was bleeding over into my beliefs about relationships. It can be fixed with therapy (but you may need to shop around for a therapist that fits you — it takes time and that’d okay because you learn something useful from every therapist you try). This gave me the tools to fight when those anxiety attacks came around.

    3. Getting my own friend group - I was like you and really didn’t NEED or WANT other friends besides my SO. That said, I took the past 6 months or so to try and branch out and I can’t tell you how great it is to have someone to call when those negative feelings hit who can talk you off the ledge (or, to my surprise, let me know that they have also had these feelings, but that it doesn’t mean anything). Being there to support someone else as they go through life is also incredibly rewarding.

    4. Prayer. I’m a person of faith, and I believe prayer has helped calm me down and surrender as well as look at the situation through fresh eyes.

    5. Journaling - getting into the habit of writing down your thoughts in a secure location was huge for me getting to work out those “intuitions” that were causing me some anxiety. I always thought I was an intuitive person, so when I had an intuition that led me wrong, I needed to process it.

    I hope some of this helps because I know the anxiety sucks. I don’t think it will get better on its own, so if you want to stay in this relationship (and for the sake of your future relationships), decide to do the work and make moves to do it. It’s not your fault, but sometimes life shits on us and we have to go clean up the shit so it doesn’t stink so much.

    • ComradeSharkfucker@lemmy.ml
      8 months ago

      I’ve been considering journaling my thoughts. I recently wrote questions I and thoughts I have for therapy as well as another post on a different community and realized they made me feel a lot better when I was feeling too anxious. I technically have a friend group but they aren’t amazing mostly and I don’t feel comfortable talking to them about too personal of subjects. I do have my roommate and close friend who I went to about this but far too late

      I’ll take a look at that book as well

      • RagnarokOnline@reddthat.com
        8 months ago

        The nice thing about opening up to friends about it is that they can help you baseline.

        For instance: when things were really peaking my anxiety a few months ago, I was in distress because I felt like I wasn’t important to my SO anymore. I communicated my fear and the situation to a friend and he was able to give me a different perspective: that the way I was thinking about relationships was zero-sum, but that my SO’s heart may have enough room for both all the love I needed AND her new friends. I just need to communicate with my SO if I’m actually feeling neglected or not.

        It was good for me to hear from another person that the way I perceived the world isn’t necessarily the way everyone does.