We’re Happy, we smile 😀 We’re Surprised we go: 😯 We’re Angry we go: 😠

Why is it that we have the same physical reactions to emotions as humains, is it something physical, something coded in us, because, no matter where a person is born even if we don’t understand each other, we still react the same ways

  • scarabic@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Essentially we are a social species and are telepathic. Meaning: we can tell from a distance how another is feeling and in some cases what they may be thinking. We do this through facial expressions and body language, not mystical energy vibrations. But IMO it’s just as magical.

    Pretty important in a group society to be telepathic. When everyone is contributing to the group, not just themselves, there’s danger of exploitation, coasting, and abuse. Being telepathic helps root this out, keeping the group efficient and aligned. Maybe this is one reason so many people fear diversity and cultural divergence: the more complicated people are, the harder it is to be telepathic with their outward signs. The more homogenous, the easier. And circling back to this post, we may not all have the same physical signs of an emotion, globally, but the point is for us to have them among any one group that lives together. So you can be damn sure that if smiling and crying are not universal, we at least have universally strong mechanisms for figuring out what the signs are for our culture and then exhibiting them. All unconscious.

    Note also that we have amazing actors among us, which suggests that the strong rewards you can get from abusing the group have driven the evolution of fraud mechanisms themselves.