What caused you to get into it, are you an evangel and are you obsessed?

  • Thorned_Rose@kbin.social
    8 months ago

    I don’t really have any one stand out reason. I first introduced myself to Linux in the late 1990s, buying a Red Hat CD and phone book sized manual that at the time cost a lot, especially as I was poor student. I think one of my tutors (I as doing computer studies) said that he ran Linux and I got nerdy and curious. It sadly didn’t last long as too much of my other study was based around Windows.

    Over time, Iecame to despise corporate monopolies, spying, manipulation, billion dollar advertising budgets, and turning people into products (not just Microsoft, but Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc.) more and more, so I decided it was time (early 2010s) to give Linux a go again. I’d read people saying it was more usable for gaming than it used to be. Still required giving up some games since Steam Proton wasn’t a thing yet but for me, I was making an concious choice to only support gaming that was Linux native (or games that I already owned that worked on WINE).

    I distro hopped bit before settling on Mint. Used that for about 2 years and then got a new PC. Wanted to challenge myself more and went with Arch. I have enjoyed the customisation, freedom, privacy and ethically conscious choice ever since.

    I wouldn’t say I’m obsessed but I certainly try and free other people from the shackles of non-floss software as much as I can.