• MystikIncarnate@lemmy.ca
    10 months ago

    See, most people don’t really get what they were trying to escape from when they founded the United States. I’m not even American, and I know this shit.

    England, like many other empires and nations of the era, were religious to their core. The patriarchal/matriarchal foundation of the country predisposed that all is subjects, aka citizens, be aligned with the Royals for their religion. Hence, the church of England.

    When the royalty played a bit of musical chairs after someone died, the incoming ruler could easily change the faith of the church of England; which they often did.

    So the public was left in this state of hopping from one foot to the other, going from Catholic to Protestant to whatever, everytime the crown changed heads.

    They intentionally left out any religion from the Constitution to avoid such idiotic policies. If you were Catholic, sweet, enjoy America. If you were Protestant, cool, enjoy America. Some other kind of Christian? Neato, welcome, enjoy America. I don’t know that their thinking included such wild concepts as… IDK, Muslim, Buddhist, or Islam, but they didn’t exclude it so what the hell, welcome to America.

    They didn’t want a central authority dictating their entire life. What they believe, how they conduct their life, what job to have, etc. Not a church. Not a king/queen. Nobody. That’s the entire point of not having religion in the Constitution. The country will not obligate the citizens to believe in any specific thing.

    All this idiotic rhetoric about America being a “Christian country” would make all the people who have their names at the bottom of the constitution, throw up in anger. The entire rhetoric of literally anyone saying that other people don’t belong because their beliefs are different than “Christian”, would make the founding fathers disgusted.

    They realized that judging and convicting people of crimes because they had slightly different sky daddies, is stupid. Yet, there are WAY TOO MANY people who think that people who believe differently to them, are not fit to be an American. Anyone thinking that, is being un-American.