According to these new numbers from Valve, the Linux customer base is up to 1.96%, or a 0.52% jump over June! That’s a huge jump with normally just moving 0.1% or so in either direction most months… It’s also near an all-time high on a percentage basis going back to the early days of Steam on Linux when it had around a 2% marketshare but at that time the Steam customer size in absolute numbers was much smaller a decade ago than it is now. So if the percentage numbers are accurate, this is likely the largest in absolute terms that the Linux gaming marketshare has ever been.

Data from Valve:

    1 year ago

    Yes, I’ll switch from Windows to Linux but at the moment I dont trust myself to be able to use Linux as I cannot code and havent any deep knowledge about cpmputers. So I hope that in the next few years there will be the compatibility and ease of use on Linux like there is on windows now.

    Edit: ok, thanks everyone.

    I am very pro open source and very pro linux (obiously)

    With “coding” i ment doing stuff with the terminal. I am mostly concerned with stuff not working when it should and then that the fix is only doable in the terminal and requires trial and error and knowledge and so on…

    I was mostly discouraged by the LTT videos about Linux as a daily driver, haming and working on linux and so on. And they made it look that you have problems significantly more frequent than on a windows machine.

    And yes, i need to use full office suite, most other programms can be FOSS or linux alternatives tho.

      1 year ago

      There will not be the equivalent compatibility at first. But there will be enough compatibility for most users to not care about it anymore. The equivalent compatibility will only exist once literally every hardware and software manufacturer supports Linux on their own as first-class citizen. And they will only do that once Linux has signifikant desktop marketshare. But it doesn’t matter as long as most stuff still runs no matter what. Which is currently the case. And it’s also gotten easy.

      1 year ago

      You definitely don’t need to know anything about writing code to use Linux! The closest thing to it is the terminal, which is something you basically never need to use on a standard setup like Pop!OS or Mint. I’ve gotten plenty of my friends using Linux, many of them have never even had to look at a terminal.

      1 year ago

      The LTT videos assume that you are unwilling to spend a bit of time learning your OS. If you can accept that it won’t be a perfectly smooth experience from the start and that you’ll have to put in a bit of effort to make it do what you want, there’s no reason to not try it out.

      I recently went for it and left windows for dual-booting, but the only time that I had to boot it was after finding out that if you mount an NTFS partition in linux without first disabling fast boot on windows, it’ll get broken sooner or later.

      Now I’m at a point where troubleshooting stuff on linux is far easier than on windows. Because it’s modular and community-driven, you can always get to the root of a given problem with some googling or asking on one of the many great forums. Windows on the other hand is a proprietary monolith and if something stops working, you can only fiddle around with settings or hope for microsoft to fix it.

      Getting there took me about 50-70 hours of troubleshooting total spread across a few years. I wasted a lot more than that trying to troubleshoot windows.

        1 year ago

        I mean I would accept to get into Linux for the start but I am afraid that my OS will be “a ongoing project” so to say.

          1 year ago

          I found that it’s different from windows, but not really more work. I get annoyed by small things easily, so finding out you have to tweak the registry to set some things in windows has just been frustrating while I can just customize the little things how I like them on linux by changing a config file or even find that there’s a good GUI for it, like with the task bar for example.

          If you’re fine with ignoring the little annoyances on windows, you won’t have issues on Linux either.