I saw this post and wanted to ask the opposite. What are some items that really aren’t worth paying the expensive version for? Preferably more extreme or unexpected examples.
I saw this post and wanted to ask the opposite. What are some items that really aren’t worth paying the expensive version for? Preferably more extreme or unexpected examples.
For men, or for women?
A well made pair of shoes will last far longer than a cheap pair. And a besboke pair of shoes is a treasure, more comfortable than any trainer and absolutely capable of outlasting the owner.
It matters with T-shirts, as well. It’s harder these days, with online shopping driving down the bottom line, but a T-shirt made from quality fabric and good stitching will also last longer than a cheap one.
Price makes a huge difference in men’s suits, as well. Again, fabric and stitching at the most basic level, but tailoring, custom, or bespoke has a massive impact on how comfortable it is, and on how good it looks.
Now, women’s shoes and clothes? Maybe you’re right. With fast fashion and a larger influence of branding on price, you may be right. Although, here there are exceptions. A quality jacket or overcoat - like mens’ jackets - will look better and last longer than a cheap one.
Many people do pay a premium for branding alone, and there I agree with you: that’s not worth it.
My point was about myself actually. I didn’t mean to generalize to any group as much.
Also, I do agree that super cheap t-shirts don’t really last very long. And my point wasn’t that I’d buy t-shirts only if they’re under $5. But rather that “I’m not spending more than $50 on a t-shirt”.
Yeah, this is all subjective, for sure. And I agree that there’s a sweet spot for cost for almost any product: under a certain amount, it’s going to be really crap quality; and over some amount, you’re probably just paying a premium for branding.
Bespoke boots are amazing especially if your foot width is out of the norm. Very few brands have width options. But I have 2 pair of boots (one pair tall, one pair below the ankle) custom to my foot shape and size and they fit so well. I expect them to last, though I expect to replace the sole several times.