Microsoft, OpenAI sued for copyright infringement by nonfiction book authors in class action claim::The new copyright infringement lawsuit against Microsoft and OpenAI comes a week after The New York Times filed a similar complaint in New York.

    8 months ago

    I’m clearly talking about the technology when I say tool (large language models) and not the company itself.

    Didn’t you notice you’re on a post about Microsoft Corp and OpenAI Corp? Maybe you ended up in the wrong place by accident.

    If we can’t freely use copyrighted material to train, it completely and unequivocally kills any kind of open source or even small to medium model.

    Ah, the typical Big Business conservative argument: “think about the business owner… The small business owner!” Always forgetting to add the word “small” until the last possible second.

    And, for some reason, only jumping into converse when you must, by necessity, harm much smaller creators in the process. I guess that plays into a second conservative argument, maximizing harm per capita.

    Why not simply ask for consent, instead of demanding it as an alleged right?

    If someone knows that upon creation of something, it will simply be stolen, that tells them not to create. That’s the foundation upon which copyright law was made, despite the misinformation peddled here by anti-artist ideologues.

      8 months ago

      It doesn’t matter what the subject is about, tim clearly not saying OpenAI the company when I use the term “writing tool”

      I’m advocating for us and society as a whole. If only google and Microsoft hold the keys to AI, we all end up paying a surtax on everything we buy because every business will be forced into a subscription model to use it and stay competitive.

      There is too much data involved to ask for consent, you would just end up with big players trading with each other. The small artists wouldn’t get a dime, only Getty and Adobe. It’s literally not pheasible.

      Nothing was stolen except future potential jobs. You can’t own a style or anything of the kind.

      The small artists aren’t going to get any kind of benefit out of these lawsuits. It sucks that it’s even more saturated of a market but the good ones learn to use these tools (LLMs and img/vid gen) to elevate their own art and push the boundaries.