From neonatal and primary care to emergency medicine, kids got lower-quality care than their white peers, researchers found. Disparities include longer waits and less pain medication after surgery.

    6 months ago

    Everyone is required to have insurance in the US or they face a tax penalty. The ACA was so hamstrung by GOP pols that all it actually did was force Americans to buy insurance with low premiums but absurdly high deductibles, copays, and out-of-pocket costs. For many Americans, their health insurance exists only for catastrophic things, because being in debt for a $5000 deductible is a lot better than having $100,000 in medical debt, despite the fact they can’t afford the deductible either. Many can’t afford preventative healthcare that many of us take for granted, because for them the choice is the $50 copay for a checkup or buying food for their family. Healthcare outcomes for them are abysmally low.