How can I prove that everything I see really exists and isn’t just an illusion/ image created by my brain? How can I really know that once I look away from something that it is still there and doesn’t turn black? I thought about the mirror, but maybe the image in the mirror is also just created. The people I hear talking behind me could also be gone but I only hear the audio and once I turn around they appear visually. I thought about using a camera but the content that is saved on the camera could also be fake.

Can someone tell me how to prove that others really exist?

How can I really know that people are responding to this question and not only AI? I have absolutely no proof that this forum could be real. Look at ChatGPT.

I have so many questions.

    8 months ago

    Define ‘prove’.

    Before you can determine how to prove something, you must determine what evidence would constitute proof and under what conditions you might be able to collect that evidence.

    To put it another way, if you want to prove something to be true then you must be able to imagine a situation which would prove it to be false, which is to say that it must be falsifiable.

    And then apply Alder’s razor:

    If something cannot be settled by experiment or observation, then it is not worthy of debate.