It’s easy to roll one’s eyes as the self-serving dramatics of MAGA voters using false claims of victimhood as cover for their ugly views. But, as the threatening language in Greene’s tweet shows, this “woe is us” act is deeply dangerous. The hyperbolic conspiracy theories and dehumanizing language serve to convince Republican voters that religious liberty and democracy are simply values they can no longer afford to hold. The message is Christians are so “under siege” that the only way to fight back is by stripping everyone else of basic rights.

    3 months ago

    I was raised right wing, grew up redneck in a small down, dirt roads, everything. But I listen to people.

    Last weekend on Saturday, my wife kicked me out (it’s a long story). It was raining and I was alone in my car sad, and trying to find a couch to sleep on. I was messaging everybody I knew. The only person to reply was my female friend, who is lesbian. She had me reach out to her friend who is trans. I called him and he let me know he’s out of town, but his boyfriend might be able to help.

    I called a complete stranger, and explained what had happened. He gave me the address and said he’ll have a bed ready. I showed up and he’s also trans as well. He took me in, made me dinner, and we stayed up until 3am talking about everything. He gave me so much advice to try to get through the abuse I’ve been going through, he even took my phone away because I was about to text her.

    The next day, I was able to get a hold of my parents so I can stay at their house. When I got there, they immediately started in on “Joe Biden is taking away Easter for the trans people!!” and I absolutely lit them up.

    It didn’t matter that the people that helped me were trans, they are people like everybody else. They didn’t care about having a giant cis male in their home, they saw me as a person.

    I don’t know where I’m going with this, I’m just frustrated and scared

    3 months ago

    I’m going to hand it to them, it’s impressive that the right has managed to market the left as being this “identity politics” party, while the rights focus has been almost exclusively pertaining to “identity politics” over the past 6 years.

    It really feels like they have nothing to go on, but that’s fine because the average American largely votes based on what minority they’re grossed out the most by

      3 months ago

      This obvious contradiction acts as a filter allowing the identification of dumb gullible individuals that can then be manipulated/propagandized as needed. This group is large enough that they become a formidable bloc, a source of news, etc.

      This is how Spam email works to identify scam targets. All those misspellings and grammatical errors are not a result of carelessness, it’s implementation of strategy.

    3 months ago

    “Love thy neighbors.”

    What kind of communist liberal piece of shit said that nonsense!? They’re just as bad as the trans people taking over our Glorious Sportsball. It’s a TRAVESTY I tell you!

    The real Jesus had AR-15s and shot communist babies for fun. He flipped off the sick and the poor while yelling “get a job you fucking communist!”

    I don’t know what Bible all these sacrilegious leftists read, but it isn’t the True King Trump Bible!!
