I have a dumb work related chrome thing, i’d like to make it so that when a certain notification sound plays in chromium, my computer does a few things automatically for me

Does anyone know a good way to make this happen?

I imagine it’d have to be setup like:

when chrome starts playing audio && check if that audio matches soundfile.ogg && myscript.sh, but I don’t know any good cli utilities that could get something like that done, and if there are any better ideas!

  • Nibodhika@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    You’re still only explaining the Y problem, not the X one. Want to solve Y? Here you go https://people.csail.mit.edu/hubert/pyaudio/docs/ also prepare to learn a lot about streams and different audio formats, etc. You might have something usable in a few weeks or months depending on how fast you’re able to learn those.

    And just so we’re clear, you mentioned chromium, so I’m 99.9% sure that there are easier solutions if you tell is the actual problem you’re trying to solve. There’s a reason no one is providing you with a simple script that does this, i.e. no one has ever needed this, and whenever you’re in a situation where no one has ever needed something before you might be a visionary or you might be missing something that’s obvious for everyone that came before and had the same problem you did.