And guess what is on back order at every nearby pharmacy? I’ll give you a hint: it’s not the $300 per month name brand.

So I guess I switch to Adderall xr tomorrow?

    6 months ago

    Oh it gets even worse. Past couple months I’ve gotten generic vyvanse, and it just straight up doesn’t work at all. Talked to my doctor, he looked at it, and it’s from “sun pharma” in India. It’s either counterfeit or missing ingredients because he said over the last month about 20 other patients said the same thing about the same exact pills.

    I’m extremely lucky that my insurance covers name brand meds, so he wrote me a “dispense as written” script and I got legit vyvanse now and it actually works.

    Point is even if you could get generic vyvanse, it might be fake ass dogshit that doesn’t do jack.