How much time have you spent being single?

If you’re currently single: is it by choice or circumstance?

Do you / did you enjoy single life?

What are / were the pros and cons?

Is / was partnership a goal of yours?

If you’re currently not single: Did your goals change after getting into a relationship?

What are the pros and cons?

    5 months ago

    How long have you gone without being in a romantic relationship?

    About 14 years (I’m 22).

    If you’re currently single: is it by choice or circumstance?

    Not by choice.

    Do you / did you enjoy single life?


    What are / were the pros and cons?

    Pros: More free time, less drama


    • I don’t get to experience what it feels like to be loved or to have any kind of intimacy (cuddling, kissing, sex, pair dancing, etc.)
    • It will be much harder to find affordable housing once I stop being a student
    • I feel excluded when my friends talk about their relationships
    • My parents are going to be disappointed
    • If I want to have children in the future (I’m not sure yet), it probably won’t be a possibility

    Is / was partnership a goal of yours?

    Yes, obviously.