Netflix has managed to annoy a good number of its users with an announcement about an upcoming update to its Windows 11 (and Windows 10) app: support for adverts and live events will be added, but the ability to download content is being taken away.

Netflix must realize that it’s a huge frustration for people who relied on offline downloads to watch content without internet access: on planes, trains, and campsites, and anywhere else where Wi-Fi is unavailable or unreliable.

There’s a small chance that Netflix will change its mind if it gets enough complaints, but the streaming service seems determined to add as many money-making features as possible, while taking away genuinely useful ones.

    2 months ago

    True dat.

    I also have a Samsung Galaxy, a S22, and kinda regret it. Somehow it’s always hot, like just having the screen on is enough to make it hot, and it literally hurts my fingers after a few minutes. Maybe it’s my fault somehow, but I definitely researched a lot before buying and all the text and video reviewers swore that the cooling was adequate. I’m so done with big expensive phones.:-( One day I may buy a cheapie and when I have an adequate daily driver play around to see what a custom ROM could do to improve the experience. Basically I miss my Nexus is what I guess I am saying:-).