Ohboy. Tonight I:

  • installed a cool docker monitoring app called dockge
  • started moving docker compose files from random other folders into one centralized place (/opt/dockers if that matters)
  • got to immich, brought the container down
  • moved the docker-compose.yml into my new folder
  • docker compose up -d
  • saw errors saying it didn’t have a DB name to work with, so it created a new database


  • docker compose down
  • copy old .env file from the old directory into the new folder!
  • hold breath
  • docker compose up -d

Welcome to Immich! Let’s get started…

Awwwwww, crud.

Anything I can do at this point?

No immich DB backup but I do have the images themselves.

EDIT: Thanks to u/atzanteol I figured out that changing the folder name caused this too. I changed the docker folder’s name back to the original name and got my DB back! yay

  • Lem453@lemmy.ca
    4 months ago

    Is it not in the immich_pgdata or immich-app_pgdata folder?

    The volumes themselves should be stored at /var/lib/docker/volumes

    For future reference, doing operations like this without backing up first is insane.

    Get borgmatic installed to take automatic backups and send them to a backup like another server or borgbase.