Sakura Wars is set in a Steampunk Tokyo, in the 1920s, protected by a mysterious Imperial Assault Troop. The male protagonist, Ichiro Ogami, an Imperial Japanese Navy Ensign, is transferred to the Flower Division in order to become its captain. As he arrives at the Grand Imperial Theater, the theater manager, Ikki Yoneda, tells Ogami that his job will be… punching tickets? Ogami is, obviously, quite confused, as he expected to become a captain and fight alongside his soldiers. Quite disheartened, Ogami is about to give up and stay a ticket puncher forever, when, suddenly, a strange alarm rings, and the beautiful actresses of the company jump into their giant mecha armor, the Koubou, and it’s time to fight! Ogami and the Imperial Assault Troupe will have to protect the city from a nefarious force that plans to take over Tokyo.

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    4 months ago

    Interesting to see a review of an older game in the series. I’d always found it interesting from its steampunk appearance. My only real exposure was the recent PS4 game, which very depressingly checked off some tired anime tropes:

    • One guy in a house of ladies
    • Women are all incapable without their big strong male leader
    • Bizarre plot occurrences like warping to another dimension, with little acknowledgement from the cast
    • Requisite hot tub misunderstandings scene

    There’s some other bits that didn’t make sense to me, but basically it didn’t feel like such a fleshed out world either, even if the characters are meant to be fun.