Just in case you thought maybe the Dems had finally seen the light after Rafah. Nope! How about even more bombs for Israel?

  • Auzy@beehaw.org
    15 days ago

    I generally stay out of these Ukraine discussions, but Russia is clearly the aggressor.

    Unless you can justify what valid reason Russia had to attack Ukraine or what you mean by diplomacy, then it’s a non argument.

    Russia clearly isn’t interested in discussions unless they involve surrendering…

    • trevron@beehaw.org
      15 days ago

      The US backed coup in 2014 and the threat of NATO expansion on it’s borders are some fairly obvious pieces of that puzzle but everybody here just claims “russian propaganda” when those facts are brought into the discussion.

      • t3rmit3@beehaw.org
        14 days ago

        Are you seriously calling a populist uprising a “US backed coup”, implying the US had a hand in it, simply because the US ideologically supported their goals?

        NATO expansion is not a justification for invading another country, especially a non-NATO one. Ukraine has the right to self-determination and freedom to associate with whomever they want, and Russia doesn’t get to tell them who they can or can’t be friends with.

        I can only assume based on this that you philosophically support the Bay of Pigs operation, as the US saw Soviet expansion near them as a threat.

        Putin didnt make his move on Crimea because he was trying to defend Russia, he did it because he knew that his plans to reassimilate Ukraine were threatened by the new Ukranian government. And the 2022 expansion of the invasion just proves that.