A howto guide on setting up a simple and secure blog server using haproxy to serve https, hugo to serve the website, cerbot to generate the tls certificate, and crowdsec for defense
This is my first post on my new site, I hope someone finds it helpful!
Just to keep it short. I was debating adding another article continuing this one using nginx for that part. I could add a section to this one though. Or would you use something other than nginx, I’m open to suggestions. I checked yours out, it’s a bit snappier than mine :) . What are you running?
Just to keep it short. I was debating adding another article continuing this one using nginx for that part. I could add a section to this one though. Or would you use something other than nginx, I’m open to suggestions. I checked yours out, it’s a bit snappier than mine :) . What are you running?