• StaySquared@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Uh… no. This is exactly how people with that mentality cause companies to find ways to hire less humans and depend more on technologies.

    Keep it up, you’re only asking for really bad consequences.

      • StaySquared@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        I’m thinking like a business owner. If my employees are going to demand to own my company, I’m going to fire them and find a way to permanently replace humans.

        Coward, more like a realist.

        Here’s a thought though, start thinking about creating your own business and stop being a wage slave.

        • SmilingSolaris@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          Oh you think your the master and this it’s okay. My bad, your not a coward. Your scum. Literal human rot. Embodiment of greed and selfishness. A person like you has no place holding power over others, and in a just world you would be punished for it. Unfortunately we don’t live in a just world. We live in a world where not only are you rewarded for your greed but to the point you consider it a virtue.

          Consider the morality of yourself for a moment.

          As for “creating my own business”, you silly billy, I’m going into teaching. Ya know, a selfless job ment to benefit all. I live by my morals, instead of looking for ways to profit off my lack of them.

          Keep on rubbing your coins together mr scrooge. See if it warms your grave someday.

          • StaySquared@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            You’re going into teaching? haha… Good grief.

            This person is going into, “teaching”. Can’t even decipher between, “your” and “you’re”.

            You’re a joke. Thanks for further solidifying why public education is complete and utter shit.

            • SmilingSolaris@lemmy.world
              2 months ago

              I ain’t an English teacher, and I’m actually working on that exact grammatical deficit. My bad I didn’t approach your dumbass with the same rigor I approach an essay or will with my future students. You ain’t exactly worth that time bub.

    • Tilgare@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      What do you think corporate shareholders expect of a publicly traded company? Especially when in most industries, labor is their number 1 expense?

  • Revonult@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    So I get the idea that companies shouldn’t be slaves to shareholders or the whims of a few people, but would the employees owning the company mean they are shouldering financial risk? Like if my company goes bankrupt I just lose my job, I am not responsible for covering their losses.

    • 4lan@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      One of the most successful breweries in America is owned by its employees. New Belgium.

      They did not crumble and fall apart because of “evil socialism”. They flourished because every single worker had a vested interest in making the business grow.

      Executives wonder why their employees are so unmotivated. Give them motivation. Not pizza parties

      Employee ownership would save this nation from its spiral towards indentured servitude. 60% of the population currently lives month to month. You’re telling me every single one of them is lazy? Bullshit.

      The American dream has been stolen from us, it will take it back one way or another.

      You can keep sucking on the nuts of billionaires pretending you will be one of them, I will fight for the working class.

        • 4lan@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          Okay so apparently a corporation bought them out in 2019. Looks like we are falling one by one corporate interest.

          There used to be 100 government contractors know there are 4.

          There used to be dozens of Telecom providers, now there are 3

          You know how many places I’ve lived where I’ve had a choice of Internet provider? 0 Functionally a monopoly

          I’m so close to giving up on this country because of the greed that is tearing it apart from the inside while everyone concerns themselves with talentless celebrities, Donald Trump included

          I’m done being complacent. Something has to give

            • 4lan@lemmy.world
              2 months ago

              Of course there are more than four, but an enormously disproportionate amount of our tax dollars go to four of them.

              20% goes to Lockheed Martin alone.

              General Dynamics swallowed up all of the companies I worked for in the first half of my career.

              You probably also think that because there are thousands of small farmers that they actually have any market share.

              The big fish are eating the small ones and getting bigger and bigger. This is what happens when you relax antitrust enforcement. Why do you think we keep getting involved in wars we have nothing to do with? These four have raked in billions facilitating the death of our children overseas for decades

              Economics and trickle down is working so great right? Republicans would drive us into slavery we gave them the reins. And yes it is political just look at Reagan and his policies and how they have affected us today

  • TIN@feddit.uk
    2 months ago

    I work in consultancy and have a dream of forming a small elite company of consultants, employee owned, just 10 or so people who are shit hot at their jobs.

    I would plan for it to always be 10 people, deliberately no growth. Do the job well, take a good wage, have some parties.

    It’s when companies look for massive growth and shareholder value that everything starts to go to shit.

    • fellowmortal@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      2 months ago

      Its definitely the dream!

      10 is a lot of cats to herd though. Do you already have your fantasy football team ready? Do you think that they share your (lack of) ambition?

      At the same time 10 is a small number if a couple go on parental/sick leave at the same time. Are you ready to ‘hold the baby’ and get no extra credit? Who will do the admin/HR/sales/marketing/taking-the-bins-out/whatever you don’t like doing?

      10 people is enough that it would be very hard to run in a truly egalitarian way - its your idea, so would you be the ‘primus inter pares’? ;-)

      Honestly, It could be great - so please see me poking holes as a way to make your plan stronger.

      • BallsandBayonets@lemmings.world
        2 months ago

        Not the person you responded to but I have a similar plan for a company. The one hole I have a solution for I believe should be adopted by all companies: if it’s a job that isn’t your core focus, outsource. Everything from bookkeeping to janitorial staff should be an outside company (with your same ethics). I dream of a world where everyone is self-employed or part of small co-ops, and not one single company expands vertically or horizontally. Pick one thing you’re good at and do that one thing well. Everything else, give that labor to someone else. I’m looking at you, Amazon.

        • fellowmortal@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          2 months ago

          I’m looking at you, Amazon.

          You mean that you want to copy Amazon? Since this is exactly what they have done, outsourced delivery drivers; driven to pissing in bottles, outsourced sellers; selling items at a loss to imaginary bots to get positive reviews (amazon making its cut all the same).

          I shouldn’t respond… but let me guess:

          The one thing that you are good at isn’t unblocking toilets, is it? No, I’ll bet you are really good at something rewarding like solving difficult math problems, or ‘consulting’ or some other rewarding job. I’m sure that you were top of your class at school, but in the real world, if you didn’t turn up, the world would keep turning just fine.

          I am saying this from no moral high ground at all (I am well rewarded for what is termed a ‘bullshit job’), just pointing out that what you are saying kind of assumes that the proles want to live in your utopia, do you still expect to have a better living than the person who shovels your shit when you block the toilet? Thought so.

          [edit: sorry for being such a curmudgeon - I must be having a bad day. If I’ve offended - check your idealism. Please start your ideal business - the world needs idealists… as well as people with shovels]