Why the hell does this keep happening? I still hear horror stories of how people struggle for half of their lives and nobody stops to think “this isn’t normal, we should see a doctor” and it just infuriates me.
Please, if it is negatively effecting your life or you get into arguments about it and it’s effecting your social or home life, see a doctor.
I would have loved to get my diagnosis and start taking meds before I dropped out of college twice. Would have saved a lot of pain and money.
I got diagnosed at 29.
My life has gotten so much fuckin better since it’s amazing.
I also dropped out of college twice. First physics then composition (music). I got diagnosed at 38, started medication and went back to composition. Will graduate at 41.
Well, I got diagnosed with depression, started using wellbutrin, which turned out to help with ADHD. Later I was diagnosed with ADHD and currently hoping to switch medicine because I still have serious problems with deadlines. I do two weeks worth of work during the last 48 hours without any sleep. 🤦♂️