I’ve tried Raven but it’s archived and not maintained anymore, Fluent Reader and Feeds both of which doesn’t feel smooth at all. Any recommendations? Preferably desktop and not a self-hosted service.
Newsflash is the best from all I tested and even works nice on mobile.
Seems very promising!
RSSGuard for most things, newsboat for keeping track of software releases on github.
RSS Guard was actually great. I love the more old-school but super functional UI. I don’t need any fancy stuff, just stuff that works. Awesome tip.
I use RSS Guard
I like FreshRSS in a container, works great from a browser, and you can hit it from your phone on the loo…
My personal favourite is fluent reader
Not very good for organizing more than a few feeds
If a firefox add-on is okay: Brief
I like newsboat
This is the way.
Sort of the opposite of what you asked, but adding here to increase variety
I just use miniflux, self hosted is easy if you have docker-compose and you could access it from your browser locally. It also works great on mobile.
services.miniflux.enable = true
on NixOS is even easier