Because Im currently typing this on mine (1 GiB, android install) and everything is (very surprisingly) rock solid – page loading is very smooth, youtube playback is smooth as well (it can even play 4k videos no problem) and even gaming works flawlessly well (Haven`t went too far beyond PS1 games, but from PS1 and under it plays everything really well.). In short – It delivers a desktop experience at the expense of almost nothing with the power draw at that same level – 1W (best case scenario) to 3W(worst case scenario).

  • Hot
    11 months ago

    I’d love to hear more details about this. I have 3 Raspberry Pis from before they became impossible to come by, and I’ve looked over the Orange Pis several times. I’d always heard issues with them, something about drivers not being in the kernel or something? Anyway, really great to hear you’re having good success with it! Any more information you want to share, I’d be happy to hear.