Hi all, I’m switching motherboards. No dGPU. Going from an Intel MB to an AMD one. I have my root partition on an nvme and the home one on a 2.5" sata. Do I need to reinstall, or can I just move the drives from the old MB to the new one without a problem? Figured since both Intel and AMD drivers are both baked into the kernel out of the box, wouldn’t it just work and I’ll only need to remove the Intel stuff? I’m running good ole endeavourOS with KDE Plasma if that makes any difference. Any insight is much appreciated

  • d3Xt3r@lemmy.nzM
    1 year ago

    You may potentially need to edit your kernel boot parameters in grub or w/e bootloader you’re using, in case you’re early-loading any CPU microcode. For instance, if you’re loading your Intel microcode via GRUB, you may need to run grub-mkconfig from a chroot (or your old system, if it’s still accessible), or edit your grub.cfg and check the initrd parameter. But if you’re late-loading microcode then you don’t need to worry about it (although late-loading is discouraged and will taint the kernel).

    Best to check your distro’s documentation on how to update the initrd / microcode.