Not to mention voluntarily installing some of the worst spyware…

  • kopper [they/them]
    1 year ago

    Everyone complaining about only getting cringy content is really telling on themselves here lol

    even in the deepest, darkest, secret-est parts of my soul i have no interest in any content (a) in Arabic and (b) of imams. i can’t even understand a word of Arabic and am not religious, yet apparently that was the most up to date profile tiktok had on me the last time i tried it out. (which was the 3rd time or so) and i even made an account and signed in.

    the politics bullshit and lame facebook-grade memes were the “best” it could muster. as in, the only things i understood.

    maybe it works better in an english speaking and not-religious-asf country.