A lot of Asian homes don’t have a dedicated shower stall, as building spaces tend to be very limited.
Wet rooms are pretty common in Korea, and probably a lot of dense cities. The whole bathroom is treated as the shower, and there’s a drain in the center of the room.
Not saying I like it, but it’s not like this is some landlord special.
This one has shower built in.
Full listing, at around USD$214,000:
A lot of Asian homes don’t have a dedicated shower stall, as building spaces tend to be very limited.
Wet rooms are pretty common in Korea, and probably a lot of dense cities. The whole bathroom is treated as the shower, and there’s a drain in the center of the room.
Not saying I like it, but it’s not like this is some landlord special.
264sqft?? You’re paying almost $1000 per square foot…
In the city centre, the average price per square foot for apartments in Hong Kong is US$2,850
Outside of city centre, the average is US$1,876.
So you put one portal down the toilet, one portal on the bottom of the bucket, and boom. Infinite shower.