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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023


  • This reads like snippets from twelve different breadtube video essays lmao

    The land wasn’t “stolen” yesterday, it was administered to Israel by the British when the ottoman empire collapsed after ww1. Palestinians never had more than squatting rights, they were subjects under ottoman rule. But they were still pissed about a Jewish state on what they considered theirs. When the coalition of Arab nations went to war with Israel over the next couple decades, they lost over and over again. All of them came to their senses and made peace with Israel but the Palestinians are still hyped up for armed struggle from decades of propaganda.

    Here’s the thing: both the Isreali right and Palestine believe that they will win if they keep fighting. But Israel is correct and Palestinians are delusional - not in small parts because lefty Twitter has taken over with hyping them up. Even conceptually I think that’s reprehensible. The idea that you can start killing people just because your great granpa was evicted at some point is insane and justifies infinite violence.

  • I didn’t even look at your article. The way you phrase things makes it seem like Adderall has similar effects to meth. This couldn’t be further from the truth, hence why you have gotten so much shit for your other comments. The active ingredient may be somewhat similar but everything else that is in it drastically changes the way it affects people.

    These kinds of half-truths piss me off to no end, people do this all the time when they complain about the apparent price change of insulin. Guess what, you can still buy the cheap insulin - it’s just utter dogshit compared to modern diabetes medication in which hundreds of billions had to be invested to get it where it is.

    I already know what you want to type - people who are affected by diabetes shouldn’t have to pay bajillions to stay alive, not the point but nice try