• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • Fat dyke. Cracker. Loser. Piece of shit. Failure. Being sexually harassed by guy throwing me against a wall, shove him back, told im a typical snowflake, yet another stupid bitch who can’t take a joke. Get the fuck out , go back where you belong. Was especially fun living in homeless shelter, standing out front smoking a cig, and black guys driving by yelling at me that I’m a gentrifier.

    Homeless shelters are fun.

  • I’ve wanted to create a game that’s a simulation of mental health issues. For instance, youre playing someone who has autism. You turn to walk down a street. Turn to look, touch, car crash horns, screaming. Touch a wall, textures explode, patterns etching into your outstretched arm. Or, one about ptsd. Another about auditory processing disorder.

    My IRL reality can be so hypervivid, intense, super saturated, surreal. Often wish someone else could experience it, know what it’s like.

  • Phone got stolen last year. New phone, installed instagram, tried to log into account, but locked out.

    Instagram tech support told me I either had to: 1) take a photo of myself, they’d check if it matched any selfies in my account, or; 2) I had to associate my Facebook profile.

    I’m security conscious enough to not post selfies online, nor use Facebook. Goodbye instagram.

  • Lack of commitment, follow through, cowardice preventing me from doing what I really want to do.

    Which means, I don’t have that out. I can curl inward, f*ck everything, I’m done, and everything gets worse and worse. Not sustainable.

    If I’m stuck here, no way out, I suppose only way left is to try to figure out how to get out of this dark space. It doesn’t have to be fixed all at once. Just do one small good thing for yourself. Give yourself time to heal, recover. Take it slow. The only way things can change is by actions. Take a shower. Go to goodwill, spend $ on clothes that isn’t sweatpants and tattered t-shirts. …

    If I keep at this, one small step at a time, I’m laying in a solid foundation, preparing for that point in future where I’ll be able to go back to that goodwill, ask if they’re hiring. Sure, not the cushy $75k job you had b4 becoming homeless. It’s better than staying on SSI, trapped below poverty level in overcrowded slums.

    Only way to move forward is to keep trying.

  • I’m answering from the point of view of the alcoholic person you’re trying to help, change. I was that person.

    Went on for years. People kept telling me risks, I should stop, it was affecting relationships, health, work, etc.

    I’d say: I don’t have a drinking problem. I’m able to hold jobs. I drink to help cope with certain things. Everybody uses something to cope, alcohol is mine.

    For years. Where things changed, late 30s.:

    Getting sicker. Medical 420 became a thing. Finally found med that helped with insomnia. Introduced to dbt, cbt. A good psychiatrist.

    It’s good you care, are trying to help. You might be able to. But… the person has to be ready, willing to recognize they have a problem.

    Oh, also, alcoholics anonymous never worked for me. There are secular options. Harm reduction, moderation management worked best for my situation.