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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • Matter, if implemented correctly, would save them all money and allow the privacy conscious to drop the cloud.

    They are losing money on their voice assistants, so they want out of the business of being the voice part of the central hub.

    They’ll find ways to monetize the users who are less privacy concerned, but that’s not me and I think it’s not a lot of people who are here.

    Ediit: I didn’t downvote you. I’m here for discourse and have found down votes don’t help that.

  • I heard somewhere that spirituality is the easing of suffering. Maybe that was from Mark Manson (Subtle Art, YT channel, etc.).

    Something in that statement works for me. I’m not superstitious nor do I hold beliefs in the supernatural. But I do undertake efforts to ease suffering - whether that’s meditation, readings, or reflection.

    I think many have a spiritual need. Anxiety, depression, grief, changing moods, and more reveal that need. There’s an emotional (“spiritual”) suffering that we hope or need to salve.

    Then I think we overshoot the mark.

    It’s easy to want concrete perspectives when the world is dark, unjust, or foreboding. Attempting to meet those need with concrete answers helps feed the rise of religion.

    I can’t fault the feeling of needing certainty, but I’d hope we can find ways to ease suffering without the use of delusion or lies.

    Having said all of the above, I’m an Atheist. I think in rejecting religion, we have, also, overshot the mark.

    People need each other. We need the things and rituals that help us find or move closer to peace. We are emotional, feeling, social animals and we’ve wrapped ourselves in new certainties and - sometimes - self-righteousness.

    We need people. We need respect. We need love. We deserve human rights. We, also, need to learn how to transcend some of our injuries so we can navigate more effectively. That can be family, community, or national politics.

    I’m not talking about losing boundaries. I’m talking about using them differently. Yesterday was MLK Jr day. He set boundaries, but he didn’t do it in hate or overt shame and anger.

    He just did the work that needed to be done with the clearest eyes he could. I hope we, the materialists, can find a realistic perspective that doesn’t over-celebrate reason, and forgets the rest of our experience.

    Reason tells us we feel. We hurt. We hurt others. We need something (reality-based) that reminds us to tend to ourselves and our communities.

    We need balance.

    I’ve wandered some in my response. It helped me to type, maybe it helps someone else, too. Either way, I liked your comment and it spurred thought.

    Thank you.

  • It’s seen as what-about-ism.

    Painting everyone here with incredibly broad brushes and very certain tone means you’ve lost the trust and good will of your readers.

    They then see what I said in the first sentence of this comment.

    It didn’t need to be that way. You’re on Lemmy. It’s one of the places a person is most likely to see frequent criticisms of US warfare by US citizens. But you’re acting like the actions of an aggregate nation are the reflection of unanimous and ongoing support.

    It’s not an accurate perspective.

    You still sound absolutely certIain that everyone here is as you describe. And that means you’re wrong.

    Please stop, breathe, and recalibrate. Because done differently, you’ll find many here agree.

  • #Article 2, Section 1:

    "The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows

    Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector."

    Now, it could be easy to read that one way, but the Independent State Legislature theory was rejected by the SCOTUS as recently as 2023.