Musho autismo

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Total 2022 Co2 emissions:

    Germany: 673,6 Mt Source

    Chile: 93 Mt Source

    2022 % of green energy of total installed electrical capacity:

    Germany : 46% source

    Chile: 56,5% source

    I saw, like everyone else all the news of Germany expanding coal mines, reactivating coal power plants while having the means to not do that (keep using nuclear a while longer), I’m 19, climate change is scary A.F., what can I say, It’s a terrible news to hear that a western country reopens that kind of plant just because reasonably irrational fear of the alternative to it, here in Chile there is a big compromise to do something about it, but like the figures I show above, we don’t matter that much, is hearth breaking to know that my whole country depends on the collective action of countries like you, I feel I can do nothing but to watch while still having to face the consequences.

  • A lot of Chileans don’t like chile, but IMO they just fall in the “neighbour has geener grass” fallacy, we have a lot of problems but we have a lot of the tools to fix them, tools that many other countries don’t.

    I think that, provided you have studies or some money, chile is a great country to live, Chilean culture, at its core, has a lot of solidarity, people do think about other people, specially in a natural disaster.

    The government, as much as they have done dumb shit, it’s generally competent in keeping the country afloat, they got everyone vaccinated from COVID very early for example.

    Good infrastructure, public and private health, tons of natural beauty, is reasonably safe, even if less than in the past, yeah, I like chile, I think I’m lucky to have been born here, could have been a lot worse.

    You may like chile too, I can’t say, but, specially if you hold on to an online US job (Chilean jobs pay way less) you should be pretty fine here as an American.