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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I’ve been a mod on a game subReddit. Mostly because there was only one active mod before and they couldn’t handle it all. Game wasn’t particularly universally loved so general internet hate and Reddit hivemind hate often spilled over into it. Why I did it? Because I enjoyed talking about that game in a positive environment.

    In all honesty: the negative vibes on Reddit towards moderators took a lot of the joy out of it. Imagine temp banning someone because they keep calling racist slurs towards other users, then perma banning them because they continue, and then they start making new accounts over and over to send hateful messages towards you. Then you browse some Reddit for your own leisure only to read the general consensus that all mods are powerhungry faggots.

    End result was worth it though, I guess? Sub is in a good place now. Positive vibes, and little bullshit. No longer an active mod though, because without RIF I don’t have to proper tools to keep moderating from phone. Can’t even enjoy it the way I used though. Bitter? Slightly. But I have good hopes about my new online social environment here.

  • as others said the concept of email is already pretty good. But if you’re worried about your data, simplest solution is to stop relying on free email services where you are the product (like google) and start paying for services whose business model is privacy (like proton).

    As an addendum, what about the popular tools we use in our daily lives? The calendar, note tools, etc all are products of companies driven to maximize profits.

    proton offers email, vpn, password manager, file storage, and calendar.
    other companies also offer parts of that if you dont want to rely on the same company for all of it.
    obsidian offers local, secure, and encrypted sync notekeeping.
    For everything you mention there is a company who offers it, and who’s business model is providing a good and secure service for a fee, and not “free”(paid by your ad profile).

    Is there a community movement that can somehow mitigate this? Or is there really no choice for us?

    Im possibly just really cranky from allergies so apologies if Im out of line, but this gives the impression of just wanting free crowdsourced solutions, instead of looking into the viable paid solutions that are already out there.

  • Im very much tried to wait with picking the game up again until the expansion drops in september, but all the news snippets for it got me so excited again that I started it up again already, just trying out the character editor tweeking and finetuning my new V for a fresh 2.0 play in september.

    I got the game last year september. I looked forward to it before it released, but decided to hold off on buying since my PC at the time wouldnt suffice. With all the bugs and the release troubles that seemed to turn out right.

    When I started playing in september on PS5, I was sold. almost immediately. I normally aint fond of 1st person games. But for CP2077 it works. Real quickly, you really start to feel as V. Youre there, in Night City, living it. Story is cool, side-quests are great and sometimes haunting. Combat has a lot of approaches and variety. The city and narrative are deeply depressing, but in a good way. Because it makes the characters shine. Let yourself be immersed, and this game will get stuck on your soul.