• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • I think you could drastically minimize any impact by doing the time travel in space and merely observing from high orbit, assuming your time machine has no form of exhaust, which if you have a time machine seems like a relatively small engineering challenge by comparison.

    You might displace a few atoms in the void, but it’s the safest way one could go about it.

  • In that one respect, they are accidentally right. Everyone has implicit racial biases whether they realize it or not.

    To claim one is 100% not racist is basically akin to “I don’t even see color.” It is denial, often self-denial. This is just sociology.

    The best way to minimize this reality is to be self-aware of one’s own biases and make conscious effort not to act on those biases.

    It is more damaging to pretend you have no implicit racial bias whatsoever and therefore nothing you can do could possibly have racially based motivations. Proud racists use this line of thinkng to attack critical race theory, a valid sociological concept.

  • It’s best not to think of the US as “in trouble” so much as it is a corpse having its organs, fluids, and bones removed by people like the Kochs for quick sale.

    The US as a society died and was beyond hope for self repair before the first Gen Z was even born. This is just leftover momentum and the fire sale.

    The only “hope” is that whatever replaces this failed experiment is of the fed up people’s design, and not exploitation engine 2.0 by the oligarch class that bastardized and doomed this one.

    Nothing can improve under the current constitutional framework. Too far captured, too far owned, too far propagandized, too compromised to operate as anything more than the entrenched power apparatus of the owner class.

  • I thought we had a labor shortage.

    I’ll befriend one of these immigrants actually fighting to give their family a better life over one of my exclusionary, self professed “conservative” countrymen born on third base acting like they hit a triple any day.

    Also I consider nation state borders to be the imaginary lines that enable the local warlords/oligarchs to entrench their power over their region, and carve up our communal habitat for private benefit. It’s a damaging, tribal, animalistic concept that divides humanity on more than geographical terms. Wrong idealogical direction if we want to be a civilization and not beasts at each other’s jugulars in the dirt.

  • ALL of a union’s power is in striking/the threat of striking, and it needs to be demonstrated regularly. Biden not letting the nation feel the pain of a railroad strike was a disservice to the union movement.

    Not winning those concessions through a strike was a blow to the union movement. Daddy came and took away their privilege to fight back, spoke to the railroad, and got their ice cream for them… this time.

    They need to have their own power 24/7/365 under any President, or they have no power at all.

    How you win is just as important as winning. They need to be a peer that can stand up to the railroad with consequences at any time, or they’re on borrowed time before the next encroachment.