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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 20th, 2024


  • This is true. If you have DMARC and your RUA set up (with a working email (or one that doesn’t bounce at least)) along with SPF and DKIM, Google and MS will accept your mail. The only time it won’t at that point is if your IP is in the same /24 as a known spammer but so long as the spam stops, you’ll fall off the list. Some of the common spamlists allow you to request your IP be removed by request and I can only recall one list that almost nobody uses that makes you pay for the removal though there may be more I don’t recall.

  • I’m sure laws on this differ everywhere in the world but I assume you’re talking US. It is doubtful an employer could win a law suit against you for not showing your specific methodology unless you have a contract and that was part of it.

    As far as firing goes, there aren’t very many situations that an employer can’t fire you over for cause but obviously also can fire you without cause.

    Would they own the templates? Yeah but they’d also have to know to look for them unless you told them. Otherwise they’d probably already have created some templates and expect you to use and perhaps improve them.

  • Reminds me of a friend of mine. He was promoted to some sort of engineering metrics analyst. His job it turned out, was to take a bunch of different reporting products and then create a presentation once a week to go over all of the metrics and have them in easy to understand graphs on a specific template.

    So of course a month into the job he automates the entire thing and his job now takes a total of 5 minutes because he waits on the actual numbers to be crunched and spit out into the new template.

    He’s super bored and asks me if he should tell his boss what he’s done and possibly get another promotion out of it. I said “Sure, if you want to be promoted to the layoff line.”

    So his boss gave him some extra tasks and he just keeps blazing through them. His boss wants to know how he’s able to be the most productive person they’ve ever seen in that position. He asks me again, if he should tell the boss and his boss’ boss because they are super impressed. I said “No. Absolutely not. Just shrug and tell them you just do your best every day. They’ll eat that right up.” He does. He gets a promotion a couple of months later to a middle manager of some type. Probably due the Peter Principle.

    Don’t ever give out your templates or show your process. If they can hire someone less experienced at a much cheaper rate, they eventually will.

  • It does represent freedom.

    Kent can fork the kernel if he wants with all the fixes he wants in it and distribute it as he sees fit. This particular instance of the kernel (which happens to be original – the upstream), Linus has to balance allowing some fixes other developers want to include versus a ‘minor’ release of the kernel during this cycle (because it is a minor version release, not a major one). Kent could then also stop other developers from contributing to his fork but then those people could just fork his kernel fork and do what they want.

    You as a user are free to use any of them. You’re even free to take Kent’s PRs right now with everything done in the kernel at this point, compile it and run it yourself if you want. You could even market it as something and sell it all if you want for a profit if you can get the customers. You’re free to do all of that. You can do it right now if you want.

  • For those that don’t know, they are going to release something called FreeLlama which might be FOSS (no public info as to what the license actually will be).

    Winamp says that they still want to control ‘what features’ go into winamp and it’ll remain proprietary. I assume they really just want people to contribute interesting things to FreeLlama and then put the contribution into Winamp.

    The license probably won’t be FOSS because they probably aren’t going to want anyone contributing to own copyright to the code that they are committing.

    It is odd because FOSS contributors aren’t really known for being OK with this sort of thing in the past, so I doubt they’re going to get much out of it. Maybe it’s a Hail Mary and they’ll end up blaming people for not freely giving up their devtime and creativity to a company that wants to make money on it.

  • Avatar_of_Self@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldtoxic help forum
    4 months ago

    To be fair it looks like it was posted in r/gimp and we don’t know what the OP actually said in the text. In my experience, usually, when something like this happens, they usually heavily criticize something and call it ‘garbage’ or something similar.

    It’d be like going into any passionate community about something and calling it trash, then being ‘shocked’ that there’s a bunch of responses belittling them. This isn’t a FOSS specific problem. Go into r/windows or even r/techsupport and trash it while comparing it to anything else like MacOS, Linux, *BSD, whatever and you’ll get a bunch of toxic responses. This would also be mostly true of any other non-computer hobbyist communities surrounding a specific brand or product.

    When I would see someone ranting “I’d switch to Linux but the community is toxic” in somewhere like PCMasterRace, I’d ask “Can you link to the post?” and if they did it was so common that they straight up trashed Linux in whatever distro community that they posted to that I don’t recall a single instance of it simply being “Hey I have this problem. What do I do?” and there being nothing from the OP trashing it in responses or the original post.

    I’m not sure if it will become the same as the federated community gains popularity and you have more regular user-type people posting in those niche/passionate/whatever communities more regularly.