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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 2nd, 2023


  • That’s actually a great suggestion. I thought of it as “I need to pick a new home to move to” but looks super simple on voyager to switch between accounts. I technically still have my kbin with the same user (and also see kbin in the modlog a lot lol). Thanks for the tips and suggestions!!

  • I signed up before I understood lemmy. I was considering bitching to the fediverse community about it. It’s pretty unintuitive how this all works to an outsider. Given beehaws philosophy I was considering migrating there because of this thread tbh. I will consider it tho cheers.

  • What do you guy think was the intention with this?

    I’m not trying to ascribe meaning to it… just wondering if anyone is familiar with the potential symbology

    Then after being told, with image examples, that it’s a natural formation.

    I grew up in a literal haunted house.

    I am 100% serious, though being diagnosed later in life with bipolar type 1…

    Given the last line I would suggest to you that it’s probably not a bad idea to get in touch with your usual doctor/psych and talk to them. Especially if you are prescribed medication as BD can make adherence to a medication regimen difficult as I’m sure you’re aware.

    Always remember, if in doubt, take these questions to a medical professional rather than the internet. Here you could be getting advice from people more unwell than you are and don’t know about your situation or BD.

  • I think getting them to show their work is appropriate and for any that can’t replicate their work explain to them the downfalls of cheating. The other comments here justifying likely haven’t ever been in an academic setting. Relying on cheating is setting yourself up for failure if you intend to continue studying at a tertiary level.

    I don’t think a punishment is necessary for cheaters just a lecture. Let them know people can and have had their degrees rescinded years after the fact when their cheating was detected with newer methods.

    Edit: downvotes for suggesting that cheating is bad lmao. Like I said cheating at uni is easily detected these days. Fuck the getting caught, you’re paying however much to get an education, you may as well actually learn.

  • Man you’ve been arguing all throughout your post history and calling people names. While also being super antagonistic in how you engage discourse. Then this haughty post about deleting your account and wanting the related post gone as well. Why not just leave the account? If you don’t care who reads the posts and it’s nothing more than some symbolic bridge burning; I would have thought you’d just leave once you realise it would be a headache.

    The next place you go to I hope you examine your own posting and language you use if you’re going to leave websites citing polarised politics and how toxic the discourse is. If you end up keeping on, block specifically political instances (and any instance you don’t care for its politics) and learn to leave a discussion when it descends into name calling/flaming. Internet based discourse is nearly always a waste of time for politics. You’re talking to people through screens; few of whom will feel any obligation to be civil because of that fact alone.

  • Bleach for pretty much every surface compatible with it. CLR for the shower itself (or a bathroom cleaner specifically for scale and soap scum). Simple Green (or whatever the equivalent is where you’re from) for every thing else. Buy a decent non-scratch scourer (or a couple) as well as some magic erasers to help with any scale that’s resistant to removal. Oh and glass cleaner for the mirror and maybe shower. Nitrile gloves never hurt if you’re dealing with heavy duty chemicals either. Keep the bathroom well ventilated and never mix chemicals.