Carighan Maconar

The strength of life to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

  • 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Every search you make, email you send, text message, voice chat, location, and most likely the conversations you have in your own home are monitored and stored in a database for whoever knows how long (probably forever).

    This is most likely incidental.

    As in, to successfully show text messages to people, somewhere at the ISP, someone has to have a database that shows what messages were sent off from which tower and need to be routed where. Maybe they’re retained for a while for re-send reasons, too. Yeah.

    But the point is, that’s not the same reason why your home address is retained at the motor license department.

    We humans love to see patterns in things, but we do so even when none exist, as our brains want to desperately simplify information to save space, essentially. But we should not let that fool us into thinking the world is simpler than it actually is: We have a host of reasons to retain data, and this existed long, long, loooong before digital databases. And for good reason. After all, if it cannot be verified that you are you in context X, the state can hardly offer you service Y or protection Z (such as those are in the US in particular, granted).

    Your city has to know who you are and where you live. Your motor dep needs to know which license belongs to whom and is attached to which vehicle. Amazon needs to know where to send your parcels. Your phone provider needs to know which phone belongs to which number in their network and where it is right now. Etc, etc, etc. They all do so for individual reasons.

  • In modern times it’s important to keep in mind that the stiffness can be different independent of the type of filling.

    That is, I’d pick filling primarily by allergies, and then by personal preference. They all feel marginally~moderately different, and some you’ll just associate with “nicer”. For me personally that’s memory foam, for example.

    Then independent of that, pick a stiffnes and, importantly, a shape that works for you. I sleep worlds better on a very stuff shaped pillow that perfectly matches my neck size and length.

  • Yeah but legally it’s a bit more iffy once something gets breached and then it turns out that no, private phones are not covered by the stuff you signed for work security (because they usually cannot be, rather most written stuff explicitly forbids people from using their private phones for stuff like this, even in company who expect workers to do it).