• 54 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • I personally prefer top level subvolumes (@, @home, @var-log, @var-cache), because it makes it easier to know which system folders are subvolumes and back them up accordingly. They are then mounted at their respective location under /.

    E.g… I do snapshots looking at the btrfs filesystem and its top level subvolumes. I’m not doing snapshots going from the mounted root filesystem. I.e. I’d do a snapshot of @home, not a snapshot of /home.

    If you want to use backup/snapshot automation tooling, I’d recommend looking at how they expect the subvolumes to be set up. E.g. snapper and timeshift expect a specific layout (which can stil be done manually after OS installation, but why bother).

  • Yes, NixOS does need quite a bit of RAM while rebuilding (~1GB) and takes lots of storage because it keeps older generations (similar to OS snapshots) around.

    Otherwise NixOS isn’t any more resource intensive than other OS. Anecdotal experience, but my NixOS system boots faster than Fedora Atomic with the same window manager and packages installed.

    In any case, I’ve been using NixOS, Fedora Atomic and OpenSUSE MicroOS on my T480s without problems, so OP will be fine with any distro.

  • Hyprland and sway are the most feature complete tiling compositors I’ve tried. But since I strongly prefer dynamic tiling, there’s not much of a choice. River tiling is the best in my opinion. Sadly it doesn’t support moving workspaces between monitors, as each monitor has its own set of workspaces, which is a deal breaker to me.

    In general I strongly prefer Wayland over X11, as I’ve found Sway to be a better experience than i3 + picom for many years (not having to disable the compositor while gaming, better multi monitor support, etc), but having to switch to wayland-native tools is necessary coming from X11 wm’s. For DE’s that’s not an issue.

  • Agreed. Their discord has been full of inconsiderate jokes and memes for a long time. It’s not untypical of many edgy internet communities but it being directly associated with a project isn’t a good look.

    I definitely wouldn’t want to get involved with such a project, altough it is a good piece of software and I don’t see their behaviour influencing the popularity of hyprland.

  • Yes, I’ve no problem with your position on copyright and many institutions do many bad things. My issue js with misuse of terms with a fixed meaning, i.e. open-source. Having different people use a single term in multiple ways makes it so much more difficult to understand each other and enables bad actors to rile people up against each other.

    A tame example is “stable” Linux distros, where "stable"can mean package versions stay the same (besides bug fixes), and then people come and say their Arch Linux never broke, so it too is “stable”.

    Why wouldn’t it be open-source. It’s right there in the name: the source is open.

    In the context of criticism of how copyright works I understand the above sentence, but using a well understood term differently still annoys me enough to write lengthy comments.

    PS: I do hope lemmy implements a way to add copyright notices to comments like it allows for setting the language of posts. It could be implemented in a less noisy way. People who don’t care about a license ignore it anyway, while people who do care would likely find it without much trouble.

  • If you want a share of their profit, how much is enough? Would it be a pay-what-you-want model, without any restrictions or how’d you define the minimum amount to stop them from donating 1$? A rate based on profits would be pretty much the same as charging a license fee based on a companies worth.

    I get why you want to force donations, but at the same time restrictions like that aren’t compatible with the FOSS freedoms. Like others said, dual-licensing or a source-available license is probably the closest you’ll get. It’s not a license I prefer, but it’s okay. For example I’d rather have a non-compete clause for two years than something being proprietary for eternity.

  • This will help eliminate excess baggage that builds up over time by automatically removing end-of-life runtimes that are no longer used. As the system is updated to use new drivers/run-times, the old ones can be automatically removed.

    This might solve the issue with flatpak nvidia driver versions not being removed and accumulating over time. AMD/Intel don’t have this issue as a single flatpak mesa driver version can work with multiple system drivers. Nvidia’s closed source driver needs an exact version match to allow for flatpak’s sandboxed GUI apps to work.

    At least that’s how I understand it, take it with a grain of salt.

  • Mojang/Microsoft actually releases obfuscation maps for Minecraft: Java since 2019. This maps the decompiled random class names to the official variable/class names used by Mojang devs.

    In an effort to help make modding the game easier, we have decided to publish our game obfuscation maps with all future releases of the game, starting today. This means that anyone who is interested may deobfuscate the game and find their way around the code without needing to spend a few months figuring out what’s what. It is our hope that mod authors and mod framework authors use these files to augment their updating processes that they have today. These mappings will always be available, instantly and immediately as part of every newly released version. This does not, however, change the existing restrictions on what you may or may not do with our game code or assets. The links to the obfuscation mappings are included as part of the version manifest json, and may be automatically pulled for any given version.


    As others have said, Java is pretty easy to decompile, so there were community maintained obfuscation maps before (huge amount of work).

  • I feel like most of these “10 alternatives to xyz”-articles are basically a summary of alternativeto.net. Or they’ve just listed all projects they’ve found with a quick search. I’m almost certain they didn’t install them most of the time.

    This also applies to “comparison” sites, which usually are a list of Amazon affiliate links. At this point, I don’t trust websites with affiliate links anymore, as they’ve never actually tried the products. Sadly those spam sites make it difficult to find actually good reasearched tests.

    Back to itsfoss, they write many articles, and some are good, but they still are blog spam.

  • Off topic: ff2mpv is awesome. It supports many video sites (I believe everything youtube-dl does) and opens the video on a page/link in an external mpv window.

    This helped me mirror a video without downloading to read the embedded subtitles (why uploads a mirrored video with subtitles?). Also playback speed and all other advanced features mpv supports are really useful