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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 19th, 2023


  • How about a Maximum Wage instead of Minimum. And that is tied to some overall average like GDP or something, I dunno. And all the excess goes into infrastructure and benefits that directly help people. Free healthcare, free mass transit, food, UBI, etc.

    And we create a new system that ranks people and businesses on their overall benefit to society. Then the billionaire mindset people can compete to be the best, but it actually helps us all instead of hurts us all. Like, a Karma or Upvote esque system or something. I dunno. Anything besides hoarding wealth.

  • Colonel Panic@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlnew wolf
    24 days ago

    Those are good points. I’ve played MC since early alpha, but haven’t played much of the 1.20+ content yet. I still haven’t fought the Warden! Ahhhh!!!

    I do really appreciate hearing that Jeb has that mindset and goal. And you are right that they have eventually added more uses for things that started useless.

    From a design standpoint it is often surprisingly difficult to remember to use older content and mechanics on new content. You see it in RPGs and story type games often. In level 1 you unlock a skill or item, have to use it over and over for a dungeon or level, and then by level 3 you never ever use it again. Sometimes games will manage to remember the “old” things and keep them relevant and when I notice that I always really appreciate it. Several of the Zelda series games manage this. E.G. the Deku Nuts/Sticks still being used in the last dungeons.

  • Colonel Panic@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlnew wolf
    25 days ago

    The same thing happened to Lego.

    Originally it was small pieces you combine in creative ways to build something.

    Now all the sets have these huge specialty pieces that are barely usable outside of that 1 set design. Like the giant cockpit things that are 1 big hinged piece.

    One option: They could have used leather for basic armor and then turtle shells for a better set and then gold for the best. Just use existing things and combine them in new ways. It is so much better that way.

    There are SO many things in MC that have exactly 0 or 1 purpose and nothing more and that is such a shame.

  • Colonel Panic@lemm.eetoLinux@lemmy.mlVLC Player
    1 month ago

    I’ve been waiting for a Dark Mode for VLC for over a decade. It’s absurd. Yes I know some skins sorta do that, but they all suck because they change everything around and remove buttons and options instead of just making the default UI darker.

  • Yep.

    I am addicted to my brain functioning normally and being able to accomplish things

    It is terrible for me that I didn’t get diagnosed sooner.

    It made me go crazy with how big of a difference it has made in my life. I went from sluggish trash goblin hissing at the light to a productive wood elf singing and creating great crafts.

    So, yeah, what you said.

  • I played Stars! too! I simply adored that game. Who knows how many thousands of hours I spent as a kid on it. It somehow engaged whatever flavor of ADHD/Tism I have and I could get lost for days on it. It’s funny, but even back then the graphics were absurdly simple, but we didn’t care, the gameplay and complexity was so enthralling. Most of the game was just basic geometric shapes and numbers on a map, which seems hilarious now, but to me it proves that gameplay > graphics. Graphics can help, but the gameplay MUST be there first and foremost.