Joseph Marie de Maistre
! 01.04.1753 Chambéry, Rhône-Alpes (Frankreich)
† 26.02.1821 Turin (Italien)
“Every nation has the government it deserves.”
Letter from 15.VIII.1811
Joseph Marie de Maistre
! 01.04.1753 Chambéry, Rhône-Alpes (Frankreich)
† 26.02.1821 Turin (Italien)
“Every nation has the government it deserves.”
Letter from 15.VIII.1811
Whover you allow to rule you: You are getting exactly what you have earned yourself. In a Democracy this is even more evident than in a dictatorship.
There is a German proverb: Every people has the government it deserves.
Just to let you know, if you use uBlock you can expect it to adapt to this new shenanigan pretty quickly. Also I think €120/year are ridiciously overpriced. Ask me about €30/year and I might consider it for a second.
To be honest, I wouldn’t mind ads on Youtube if they were less per hour and less obnoxious. But no, every 12 second video now has an ad leading to it.
Not to mention, if I would pay for every single Video service the usual 8-15€ I would pay like €1000 per year and THAT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.
Give me “pretty much everything” for €100 per year and we can talk. My offer stands.
Very good point I didn’t even consider that.
Even taking SFW pictures from random people without permission is a crime around here. Minors even more and mostly nude minors… you are going to be in a lot of hurt.
That is a mine field for everyone using a go-pro or taking pictures near the lake.
Technical speaking by hosting military units it became a legitimate target.
War is hell, isn’t it?