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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • All of Israel is stolen land. It’s not fair to equate violence when one group is occupied and one is the occupier.

    Hamas shouldn’t have 9/11’d them, but Israel shouldn’t have stolen all the land from palestinians and cramp them into a ghetto 4 times denser than LA, tell the civilians to evacuate to the other end of the city, then bomb at least 10 times more civilian causalities who were trying to escape.

    With the extreme amounts of lobbying by Israel, I wouldn’t be Surprised Israel has significant control over the west. But that’s besides the point, we’re still giving billions of dollars for colonialism and ethnic cleansing.

    None of this should be a surprise, look at American military policy such as Real Politik. None of Israel’s creation in the Middle East instead of Rwanda was because the west was sympathetic to Jewish struggles. It was a pragmatic choice to create an ally near a center of command closer to the East. Joe Biden himself, decades ago, said if Israel didn’t already exist in the middle east, we would have to make one anyways

  • It’s still going to be a hard problem to solve, even though we should raise taxes on the elites.

    When there are more old people in retirement than young people at work, it’s impossible for each old person to get the care they need. This pulls more workers out of other economic functions to help take care of these people which just further exacerbates the supply shortage.

    Furthermore, most of our economy is built off ““innovation””, which is typically done by people in their 20s-30s. This generation is going to be limited by this extra work of being care caretakers, and the costs of innovation are going to be higher…

    Consider all this, then add Taiwan just voted for independence, so China is likely to be more antagonist towards the west, so costs of simple manufacturing or complex manufacturing of consumer goods are also going to skyrocket

    The next 7 years are going to be very interesting

  • As mod of conspiracy_theories, I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that’s bullshit

    If you listened to the mainstream media, the last few years you’d think the economy was booming. If you did your own research and listen to experts like Adam Taggart or Wealthion, fractures in the housing market were apparent for almost a year before the mainstream media started reporting that

    We grew up being told we fight for freedom when really we fight for a fascist apartheid ethnostate in the middle east

    We grew up being told Weed was worse than alcohol

    We grew up being told if you didn’t go to college, you couldn’t get a job, while cost of tuition and textbooks outpaced inflation

    The media doesn’t exist to inform people. Whether your left or right wing I think that’s something everyone can agree on. From a political science standpoint, the media exists to create an agenda. Often times, that includes misinforming people.

    Can doing your own research get you into some conspiracy theories? Sure. The problem with that is everyone’s conspiring, even the mainstream media