Milky Way Galaxy

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  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • That doesn’t change the fact that it is possible. Also some people have vacation homes, or use airbnbs that have better wifi speeds, or will be willing to pay for faster hotel speeds. It’s totally possible, but yes, your point stands that connection speeds matter and I would lower expectations if you are traveling.

    Hopefully we get some deeper in depth reviews out there in the coming weeks. A lot of these reviewers only had the weekend and rushed these out. SpawnPoiint, which actually had a good review, admitted that during his review period he never even ran down the battery once. And according to Tested’s review it only has a 4-5.5 hour battery life. The Verge article is also not the best review compared to some reviews like Tested, who tested this on multiple different connection speeds. Having read/watched most of these reviews, the Verge one seems to be the lowest effort.

  • yeah, there’s nothing to argue here. These are scientific definitions of the two terms. A positive feedback loop can be negative in terms of consequences, but it doesn’t change the fact that the loop is defined as a positive feedback loop.

    The words “positive” or “negative” in terms of the loop definition do not refer to “good” or “bad”, but rather the mathematical definitions of “additive/multiplicative” or “subtractive/divisive”. A positive feedback loop is an additive or multiplicative function whereby inputs increase outputs which increase inputs which increase outputs.

    A classic example is a snowball rolling down a hill that grows in size and gains speed. Whether or not the snowball grows big enough and rolls fast enough to annihilate the school at the bottom of the hill, it doesn’t change the fact that by definition the feedback loop that is generating a larger and larger and faster and faster snowball is defined as positive.

    An example of a negative feedback loop could be you getting sick. The input being viral or bacterial particles enter your body, the output is your body temperature increases, which kills the pathogens thereby decreasing the input. The decrease in pathogens then signals to your body that the infection is receding, and you body temperature returns to normal (decreased output). You healing from a sickness is a positive (good) thing, but the feedback loop that did it, is a negative one.

  • I agree completely but just so you know, it’s a positive feedback loop even if the outcome is negative.

    A positive feedback loop is one where the input creates an output that then increases the input further, which in turn further increases the output.

    A negative feedback loop is one where the input creates an output that then lessens the input, which in turn decreases the output.

    Shrinking middle class begets ignorance. Political forces capitalize on ignorance to misinform and manipulate the masses to elect people and enact policies that are not in their best interest. Doing so further erodes the middle class and decreases education, begetting further ignorance, misinformation, and political extremism. Positive feedback loop.

    (Sorry if this was pedantic but it reminded me of a very specific learning moment I had with an old science teacher of mine about this exact distinction)

  • Copying my reply from the c/food community here for visibility

    I am for a merge. It worked well for my communities to merge (PlayStation and PS5) and I think it will be successful here also. I chose to keep my PS5 community open, but since you are dealing with merging multiple communities it might be good to lock them with a pinned post for at least a little while.

    Once the dust settles I think opening them back up (but keeping the pinned post) would be a good option to give the choice back to the community for those that eventually wish to splinter off.