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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: November 9th, 2021


  • I’m not explaining why not to vote for Biden.

    Why do you think I’m doing that? Have you read anything I wrote, or are you just seeing words that you filter as ‘anti Biden’ and give a canned response?

    I’m literally responding to someone calling Palestinian Americans and Muslim Americans stupid because they, as a bloc, don’t want to vote for the man that chose not to stop the slaughter of their families.

    Vote for whomever you want.

    Don’t scapegoat the people whose families were slaughtered in an ongoing genocide.

  • I am an American in the PNW.

    If you think everyone giving you scary truths is a Russian troll, it doesn’t allow you to recognize actual dissent.

    And, to clarify things, I’m responding to a post that is scapegoating an ethnic minority that is a required part of Biden’s coalition because they likely won’t vote for the man that could have single handedly stopped the slaughter and torture of their families, but didn’t.

    I responded to someone calling those people stupid.

    We have reports from American doctors of an amputation patient that had literal maggots eating the remains of his legs that was left in that situation cause there were no resources or people to help.

    We have reports from Israeli whistleblowers of Palestinians prisoners (hostages) regularly having amputations because they’d been zipped tied too long.

    And yet, their family members in the US are stupid for not voting for the one man who could stop that but didn’t.

    And, somehow, I’m a Russian troll for pointing out how stupid and inhumane blaming Muslim and Palestinian Americans for Biden loss is? Fuck dude, be better.

  • Too bad that Biden chose to alienate a requisite member of his coalition.

    Hold him accountable for his decisions.

    He chose an action, supporting genocide, that will cost him the general, and chose not to run a primary.

    Edit: I don’t understand these responses that try and imply voting is an individual moral decision. It has the same logic of blaming the consumer and individual choices for carbon based climate change instead of the people with culpability and power to change things.

    Edit edit: I think at this point, unless someone dies, that Trump will be elected. To be clear, I am not voting for Trump.

  • Do you even have the slightest idea who the largest voting block is? People don’t need to vote for a Republican for Biden to lose. They just have to not vote.

    It’s amazing you even posted that as a response.

    Sure, I would advocate for Republicans not voting for Republican legislators, if the Republican base wanted a ceasefire. But they don’t. The Republican party is afraid of their base. The Democratic party has contempt for theirs.

    Also, Biden already started shipping those weapons, regardless of that vote. Holding up the weapons temporarily was an attempt to look like he was doing something, same as the floating pier was. Did you even read the link? It hasn’t passed the Senate yet.

  • This is cognitive dissonance from someone that wants people to support someone literally complicit in the genocide of their people.

    I’ve not seen any evidence of Republicans at any rallies.

    The Putin comment is just ‘anything I don’t like is Putin.’

    Let me be clear. Biden and the DNC intentionally chose to forego important parts of a primary. Biden chose to be complicit in a genocide. If Biden losses, it will be his fault he lost.

    If you expect to be able to supply the weapons to a government engaged in a genocide against a population that also happens to be a requisite part of your winning coalition and still have them vote for you, then you are stupid beyond description.

  • Those are not two state solutions graphs.

    Do you actually read those? Those are graphs for what people want if a two state solution is available in the set of options in the study.

    That twenty percent figure comes from if you remove all other possible options.

    This its an example of ‘lies, damned lies, and statistics’ except as usual, it’s not the statistics doing the lying but the person misinterpreting them.

    Edit: while I don’t think the author of this it’s biased, I think the methodology of the study is shitty. Not maliciously so, just it’s really hard to build studies that get to peoples underlying views.

  • Do you just post links hoping people won’t read them and they’ll be like ‘oh shit, this person is posting sources!’

    A thesis for a masters degree in history in 1980(EDIT: 1990, not 1980) at Old Dominion university a source is not.

    Especially for something as ahistorical as your point of view. Especially for trying to absolve the Zionists of any agency or responsibility for their actions. Truman and the international community voted and approved the partition plan. David Ben Gurion and other Jewish leaders in Zionist terrorist organizations like the Irgun and Lehi under the Haganah used it as a stepping stone to enlarge their territory through forced ethnic cleansing and murder sprees.

    The Jewish settlers did not have the means to do what was done, having just been displaced from Germany and Poland.

    I don’t know how to even respond to this it’s so nonsensical. All I can imagine is it’s an attempt to link in the Holocaust with the formation of Israel. As if the influx of Zionists to Mandatory Palestine started in 1945. If that was the case, Zionists should have just been given Austria or something.

    It’s clear at this point you’re either arguing in bad faith or just so delusional as to be living in an alternate universe.

    I will actually give you the benefit of the doubt here in the bad faith bit here though. You don’t seem malicious, you seem like you believe your own nonsense.

    Either way, I’m done with this.

    Edit: Sorry, the 1990, not 1980.