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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Trying to nail it all down (at this point) to biology+physics+whatever

    If the stuff happening inside your body can’t be “nailed down” by biology+physics+whatever, then you’re talking about magic whether or not you call it magic.

    “What is the brain the substrate for?” Is not a good question to ask because it assumes there is some unknown invisible force acting on the neurons in our heads. Neurons come from an egg fertilized by a sperm, just like every other cell.

    Should we ask what the balls are a substrate for, since they are creating the sperm that will one day have consciousness?

    (PS thank you for the discussion. It’s all in fun and I think this is genuinely interesting.)

  • What exactly is the brain the substrate for? All evidence up to this point indicates that the brain is the thing doing the thinking and feeling.

    Without some seriously compelling evidence to the contrary, I’m going to assume you’re talking about a soul or some other supernatural idea.

    In your example of the guitarist, where would you say musicality actually comes from? I would say the brain, because there is plenty of evidence that brains exist and can be creative.

  • We can’t rule out something as impossible just because we haven’t observed it yet, as it would directly contradict the scientific method

    Figuring out what’s possible versus impossible isn’t really part of the scientific method. The scientific method is about collecting and interpreting evidence. Where is the evidence that particles are conscious?

    Until there is a testable hypothesis, panpsychism doesn’t have anything to do with science.

    Others in this thread have already explained that consciousness doesn’t play any role in the double slit experiment. I definitely understand your confusion there. I believed the same thing at one point. It doesn’t help that some people purposely spread that false interpretation of the experiment because it’s more interesting than reality.

  • No, it’s not. Next question…

    Seriously though, doesn’t basically every experiment in brain surgery and neuroscience disprove this idea? We know how different structures in the brain contribute to consciousness. We can’t explain the mechanism 100%, but that doesn’t mean that every piece of matter secretly has some consciousness embedded in it. It’s God of the Gaps nonsense.

    I’m not against posting stuff like this. Obviously serious people take this idea seriously. Just none of the people taking it seriously study brains.