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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • You clearly misunderstood my post. Never said it was apples to apples, quite the opposite. I said the change from 7 to 10 was much bigger (and yes, we’re ignoring Win 8 completely).

    And of course will there be an uptick in Linux usage, he says it would be a “big” one, to which I objected to. Linux desktop has been trending up for a while, and while there might be a slight additional bump, I highly doubt it will be far beyond the margin of error for that general positive trend.

    I also said it “barely” moved (it being the market share), which implies it did move, just not a lot.

    More to the expected magnitude of the 10 EoL date pushing people to Linux, it won’t be anywhere near what valve accomplished with the steam deck. Why? Because people buy a gaming console, they can play games on. Most don’t care that it’s Linux, it’s just a tool/toy. It happens to be Linux underneath. On their PC they actively have to change it themselves. If people bought a PC that had Linux on it, they probably wouldn’t overly notice or care either, but they just can’t. Overwhelmingly they just come with windows, it you want it or not (usually there is no option to not buy that license).

    Edit: what is harder to predict (or guess) is the indirect influence of valves accomplishment. Now that gaming on Linux it’s actually viable, this might actually open the door for more people to give it a go. But as per usual with these things, it’s probably less people who actually do it than one would intuitively expect or hope.

    Edit 2: changed Vista to Win8

  • If it’s always the same users, just block them. I’m also exclusively on Mobile and my app (Relay) has a context menu for users where you can block them. So does Voyager. This is part of lemmy, and sever based (your profile blocks that user). Meaning you will not be served his comments or posts, in this client or any other, or on the Web.

  • They have some shady (or at least questionable) enough actions in their past, some even covered by mainstream media, that made me dismiss them as an option. I went with the German hosted mailbox.org instead. Swiss law (where proton is hosted) is actually quite a bit less protective of privacy than EU/German law, or maybe just protected in other ways. The international reputation of privacy protecting character of Swiss law seems to be outdated?

    Just to be clear, I can’t remember exactly what the specific events were that caused me to reconsider back when I switched years ago. When I just did some quick (!) searches just now, I found statements that they would only record ip addresses in “extreme criminal cases”, but examples include cases of trespassing and property damage. Not exactly child molesters and serial killers (example source). I also understand that the (Swiss) laws relevant to them probably forced them to, but at the very least that seems dishonest or misleading advertising.

  • Do I understand you correctly that Floris had swipe typing? Cause I tried the OpenBoard fork that has it, and it was horrible. It technically worked, sometimes, but most often was even slower than hitting individual letters. Usually I have to correct maybe 1 word out of 20 or so with GBoard, and even then what I want is one of the suggestions 95% of the time. with the OpenBoard fork, 3 out of 5 words were wrong and the correct one was suggested like 2 out of 5 times.

    If its swipe is usable, I might give Floris a go…

    edit: ah, English only. Not gonna work for me. I also prefer to have multiple languages active and being able to swipe in any/all of them. guess I’m stuck with GBoard…