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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • You probably won’t be able to run an LTS kernel on a brand new PC that just hit the market. But using the most recent kernel for arch or a derivative like endevorOS should work after like a week maximum.

    I did have an issue like this on Ubuntu and its what made me actually start distro hopping since it worked fine on fedora and Arch using the latest kernels.

  • I recommend EndeavorOS now to everyone that actually wants to learn linux, or people that don’t want to be “fighting” their os.

    It works enough to not have to do anything to it besides update, including installing nvidia drivers. And it’s arch based so they can just read the arch wiki if they have questions.

    Honestly the only issue ive had with it is one of apps not working on wayland so i just had to switch to x11.

    Its a little less noob friendly than manjaro (they had great guis that make it so you never need to open a terminal at all) but i cant recommend manjaro anymore since they dont support the latest version of pacman.

    As far as an os that’s close to enterprise servers, if they aren’t contanerizing the workloads and running k8s on a distroless (or atleast minimal) base image then i don’t want to work there anyway.

  • I would say that if you are going to host it at home then kubenetes is more complex. Bare metal kubernetes control plane management has some pitfalls. But if you were to use a cloud provider like linode or digital ocean and use their kubernetes service, then only real extra complexity is learning how to manage Kubernetes which is minimal.

    There is a decent hardware investment needed to run kubernetes if you want it to be fully HA (which I would argue means it needs to be a minimum of 2 clusters of 3 nodes each on different continents) but you could run a single node cluster with autoscaling at a cloud provider if you don’t need HA. I will say it’s nice not to have to worry about a service failing periodically as it will just transfer to another node in a few seconds automatically.

  • You should try out all the options you listed and the other recommendations and find what works best for you.

    I personally use Kubernetes. It can be overwhelming but if you’re willing to learn some new jargon then try a managed kubernetes cluster. Like AKS or digital ocean kubernetes. I would avoid managing a kubernetes cluster yourself.

    Kubernetes gets a lot of flack for being overly complicated but what is being overlooked with that statement is all the things that kubernetes does for you.

    If you can spin up kubernetes with cert-manager, external-dns, and an ingress controller like istio then you got a whole automated data center for your docker containers.

  • I’ve been running Manjaro for about 6 years. I’ve only had self induced issues.

    • I restarted during a GPU driver update
    • I only used pacman to do system updates and it kept failing. I needed to use pamac for those round of updates instead.

    Arch is a better OS in that you have more control of exactly what it will do. But Manjaro also provides a great experience out of the box with all the major DEs. It really comes down to how much convenience are you willing to trade for control.

    For what it’s worth, I’ve only noticed the slower Manjaro repo helping me once when steam fonts broke on the arch repo. So I basically had a warning and was able to switch to the beta version of the steam client to avoid that issue. So the slower Manjaro repo is not a selling point IMO, but the DE tweaks and configurations are.

  • That’s a good point.

    Somethings I didn’t realize I don’t know of till now. When does one withdraw money from social security? Like do they have to request it from the government? A government worker might have a retirement age but for most Americans, it’s more of a guide. I know plenty of people that are in their 70s and they never plan to retire. If they continue to get paid on w-2 and report earnings to the IRS, does that mean they are ineligible to receive social security benefits?

    I suppose if they are not able to collect social security money, and they continue to pay into it but they retire later then you are 100% correct and it’s not as big of a problem for the younger generations as I thought.

    Although I would say that the job market is in fact a competition. No matter if you are someone with seniority and experience, someone with little experience willing to work for less, or simply an automaton.

  • Pass for personal use is great. Especially if paired with a self hosted private git repo like gitea.

    Pass works well on all platforms I’ve tried, even android and wsl (although I’ve not tried with iPhone).

    In a corporate setting. The biggest questions is going to be if there is already a secret store that has an API. If security will let you roll your own. How is it allowed to be networked. Who are the preferred vendors and is there any enterprise support available.