the one and only

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • These fucks (his church) will use this as ammo for their anti-LGBTQ cause. “See folks, this is what happens when you dance with the devil.” despite them and people like them being the actual reason that led to this man killing himself. Shameful. We’re not going to advance as a species/society until we let go of religion. It’s not important anymore, it’s a fake fairytale much like Santa Claus or the Easter bunny, and people need to accept that there isn’t some man in the sky judging you.

  • I fully expect the folks here to be rabid anti gun without any rationale arguments for that stance

    Maybe don’t start off your argument with calling someone an asshat then 🤷‍♂️

    I’m not anti gun, btw. I own a shotgun and know how to use it. My state recently passed a ban on semi-automatic assault weapons that I voted in favor of. But go ahead and keep insulting those who disagree with you and assuming they’re ‘rabid anti gun.’

    Americans have all sorts of mental health issues that are completely undiagnosed and many of them are dealing with their unchecked emotions by waltzing into a Sportsman’s Warehouse and back out with a cart of weapons after signing some waivers and shooting up places with large gatherings of people.

    I don’t even understand how people argue against this shit. It’s been happening for far too long, getting much worse, and America is basically alone on top of this shit mountain we’ve built for ourselves.